Video Clips: A Very Snowy Dog Walk

When I took Ollie out today, I also took my phone, attached to the grip/holder I bought to try to keep it steady.

Ollie in the snow, avoiding the camera. And the deserted playground on Beetley Meadows.

Boots in the snow, and more views of the Meadows.

Riverside area, and boots in slush.

The River Whitewater, back to normal levels.

No picnics on these benches today, and Ollie refusing to move in shot.

My next door neighbour, and her lively dog, Henry.
Ollie was refusing to play, as usual.
(You can hear me asking him to)

In the woodland area, Ollie liked the smells.
It did look quite pretty in there, with no wind to disturb the snow.
Just after putting my phone away, I had a heavy fall, tripping on a tree root covered by the snow. I managed to bend back two fingers on my right hand, and they still hurt!

If I get the chance tomorrow, and the snow is still around, I will show you what it looks like over on Hoe Rough.

75 thoughts on “Video Clips: A Very Snowy Dog Walk

  1. Ollie is having great fun in the snow! We had loads an Little O was all for it once we found him a pair of waterproof gloves. I enjoyed it until it stopped snowing and turned to ice. That was a running nightmare…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You have certainly had some snowfall and I must say Ollie looks suitably unimpressed with both the snow and Henry…I hope your hand feels better that really hurts when you bend fingers or toes and I’m sure the cold made it throb even more…It is very pretty there and Ollie certainly has some lovely walks 🙂 x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Carol. Henry is young, so naturally Olie considers himself superior. The fingers healed quickly, helped by typing when I got home. It snowed even harder that night. In fact it is still snowing lightly this morning.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  3. I miss the snow round Norfolk. We don’t get anything here thanks to living about a mile away from the largest fresh water lough in the British isles. Ollie looks to be enjoying himself, as do you until you had the fall anyway. Funny hearing the accents of the locals again. I did talk like that at one point and can still turn on the Norfolk charm when messing about lol Glad to read the hand is getting better. I’m about to go and post my escapades for today. Thanks for the videos 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t have a Norfolk accent of course, mine is very ‘London’.
      So do you live near Lough Neagh? I have been to Belfast. It was a strange place for someone with a Cockney accent. Very ‘tense’. I used to live with a nurse who was a ‘Shankill Proddie’. (Her descritption) I haven’t been to Lough Neagh though.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do Pete. I am uploading photos on my blog as we speak. Very beautiful and calm down there this evening. Does the soul good. One of my favourite places. I love the Cockney accent but can appreciate why you would feel tense in this part of the world. It’s nowhere near as bad now thankfully.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. I could well believe it. There are still places you don’t venture to or only visit during the day. I’m a ex serviceman’s daughter and my work has taken me to places I wouldn’t visit socially.

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            1. I remember staying in Jury’s hotel, and being told not to use a black taxi. So I got a different sort of taxi (a Protestant one) and when I asked him to take me to Cardigan Drive, a Catholic area , he dropped me at the corner, and drove off as if he was in a Grand Prix. It was all very surreal for me.
              Best wishes, Pete.

              Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow, look at all the marvelous snow, Pete. Great videos. I see you have excellent boots. I have been pouring with rain here for two weeks [very unusual] and my dad, Michael and I went for a walk in our local park on Sunday. So muddy – I thought of you and your boots. Our shoes were filthy and I put them in the washing machine [don’t tell my mother!]

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They are my ‘cheap boots’, Robbie. They are Dunlop rubber boots that last much longer than the expensive Neoprene ones I used to buy. They are quite cold to wear though, so very thick socks are a must. You will all need Wellingtons once you come to live here. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. Great videos,thanks for sharing — and I, too, am glad your fingers are better already. All that icing sugar on the trees, bushes and in the ground just looks lovely! And it‘s great to see Ollie „in action“. (Pity he didn‘t feel like playing with Henry!)

    Most of Germany was hit by a winter storm over the weekend, too, to the point that public life completely broke down. Down in the Rhine Valley, where I am, we didn’t get any snow (or, well, hardly any, and it was gone again before you‘d blinked twice) … but we got lots of flood water instead! 🤣

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Pam. Ollie does indeed considr himself to be the boss. 🙂
      Those are my ‘cheap boots’. I used to have very expensive Neoprene ones, but they wore out too quickly. Those blue rubber ones are made by Dunlop, and though they are colder to wear, they last a long time.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, GP. I like walking on snow, but it affects everyday life here. Driving on roads, power cuts, trying to walk on untreated pavements, and so on. Ollie just likes to be outside, whatever the weather. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. (1) The water in the River Whitewater is not white, but the river’s banks are white!
    (2) I thought you were going to use the slush fund for some nefarious political purpose. Instead, you bought boots.
    (3) Did I spot some Yeti footprints in the snow?
    (4) Las Vegas is Spanish for “the meadows.” Our meadows don’t look anything like the ones in Beetley.
    (5) A heavy fall in winter?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Aw thanks for sharing your snow with us! Still no sign of it here. I love to hear the crunch of the snow but your walking into the slush made me cold! Beautiful scenery and so nice to see Ollie enjoying it at a leisurely pace as would I. 🙂 Also, fun to hear your voice! I forgot you would have any accent! (Of course I don’t.) 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My accent is very ‘London’, Susanne. The accent of local Norfolk people is very different. I walked into the flood pool to see if it had frozen. It wasn’t long ago that the whole of that riverside section was under 10 inches of water.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great to see Ollie! You do have an impressive amount of snow. Glad your fingers are getting better. Good luck with your vaccination tomorrow. I didn’t even have a sore arm! But, of course, other side effects may have been hidden amongst the ones I already had 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Busy day tomorrow then! Loved the videos, so much snow on the tree branches, looks very pretty. But too cold for me 🙂 Loving the action shots with Ollie and Henry, he’s a livewire isn’t he? Hope your fingers get better soon, and good luck with the vaccine stick!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Henry is less than a year old, so very ‘busy’. He usually has a ball, but she didn’t bring it because of the snow. That’s why he wanted Ollie to chase him. He usually ignores everything except the ball. 🙂
      You soon warm up after walking in the snow wearing a thick top and a heavy coat.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. The east wind was very cold, but walking in deep snow in a heavy coat eventually made me feel too hot. 🙂
      I have to take Ollie to the groomer tomorrow, and go for my Covid vaccination. If I get a chance early, I will take him over on Hoe Rough and get some clips.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

                1. I have never had the Flu vaccine, even though Julie works at the Doctor’s and they ask her why. But I will have this one, because I think if you don’t, you soon won’t be able to do anything in public. x


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