
I am just back from the doctor’s, where I received my first dose of the Oxford Astra-Zeneca Covid-19 vaccine.

Although not in the current age group for this, I was ‘bumped up’ the queue due to many people cancelling their appointments because of the recent bad weather, and the local health authority geting their act together with a fast-paced vaccine programme in this area.

The best part was that I was injected by a nurse, and I didn’t even feel the needle go in. As someone who is usually terrified of receiving injections, that was a huge bonus.

The booster jab is due in around twelve weeks from now, or it may be sooner if they change their minds about that.

There are many possible side effects, according to the information leaflet. If I get any of those, I will let you know.

87 thoughts on “Jabbed!

  1. Congratulations, Pete! We are waiting on what we will get. Maybe the Sputnik-V? Lol
    Here i am just listening to a discussion about the AstraZeneca vaccine. At first Germany was happy about, now they seem to have some difficulties. Person in the age over 80 should not be vaccined with AstraZeneca, they are saying.lll Lets wait on what we will get. Perhaps they will invent a special Bavaria vaccine. :-)) Michael

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t get the choice. It all depends on what batch had been delivered to my doctor. My wife was given Pfizer in January, and I got Astra-Zeneca in February. According to some statistics, the Moderna Vaccine is the most effective so far, with a 94% success rate. But in the NHS here, you get what you are given. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Good for you! We had no side effects with our first shots of the Moderna vaccine. I’ve read, though, that there might be a stronger reaction afer the second shot, but that was normal and a good sign. We’ll see.

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  3. How are you after the vaccine now Pete? Was your arm a bit sore after? I had the influenza vaccine last month and my arm was a little sore ( like I had knocked it ) a couple of hours later which lasted about 3 days, but not that bad that I couldn’t use it the same. No other side effects besides that.

    My mother had the Oxford vaccine a couple of weeks ago and she had a dizzy spell (at home ) and almost fainted. She said the dizziness lasted for about 30 mins then it went away. I’ve a mind to ask for the Pfizer one! From what I’ve read this one is the most effective protection against the virus and its variants.

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    1. I am fine thanks. No pain in my arm, and no side effects. I don’t think you get to choose whch ‘brand’ of vaccine you get. My wife had the Pfizer one when the staff were innoculated at her work, and I got the AZ. It depends which batch is delivered to the surgery, apparently. Pfizer is indeed claiming a much higher protection rate, I have read that.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. The vaccinations are on their way, and are supposed to start happening within a few weeks in Australia, for certain groups of people, including health workers and vulnerable people. As a person with Multiple Sclerosis, I suspect I may be in the ‘vulnerable person’ cohort, but I’m not sure.
        If I am up to get one, I’ll certainly take the jab, I definitely believe in the efficacy of vaccinations against diseases …

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        1. I hope you are considered vulnerable, and get an early vaccination, Carolyn. It has to be better than gambling on not getting the virus, as so many people here are sadly doing.
          Best wishes, Pete.


  4. Glad to hear you’ve got it. I’m currently trying to get one due to the line of work I am in. When I rang PHA I was told only trust staff get it but then I am seeing on Facebook that others I know who don’t work for them, or are over 70 or have underlying health conditions are getting it. Another phone call tomorrow I think.

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    1. My wife is younger, (60) but she got the vaccine because she works in the doctor’s surgery. It has really accelerated over here, and everyone seems to be moving up the queue. I hope that you get that too.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. Pete, manufacturers are obliged to list any side effect that was reported (either in Clinical Trials or from post marketing data) when an individual was receiving a medication….and that side effect may not have been directly related to the medication….the vast majority will be mild, so don’t worry too much

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    1. No strings pulled, David. Ambulance services are very parochial anyway! I was expecting April, but as I said, they had a lot of cancellations due to heavy snow. And I am almost 69! 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. They didn’t give me a leaflet! I think you are best not to read it. You haven’t gone into anaphylactic shock and I think everything else is fairly short term. I was told I’d probably get my next one in about 12 weeks – depending on supplies.

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