Video: More Heavy Snow, and Hoe Rough

Overnight last night, we had another very heavy fall of snow. This despite the BBC weatherman saying that “The East has seen the last of the snow for now”. It was bad enough for us to cancel the dog groomer appointment and reschedule for next week. No point risking a five-mile drive involving untreated roads, just to get a dog shampooed.

The morning was very sunny and bright, so I took the phone on Ollie’s walk, and headed over to Hoe Rough. Unfortunately, it was still so bright at the start of the walk, that I couldn’t see a thing on the screen, other than my own face reflected in it. So the results are rather hit and miss, but I will post them all anyway.

Ollie in some quite deep snow. Not many people had been over there, and in parts it was as deep as my boots.

A shorter clip of Ollie. He had heard something, so stopped to listen carefully.

At the time, I couldn’t see what was in the frame here, but I managed to get Ollie’s head in at the end. 🙂

Ollie ‘marking’ some snow. The pool of water is left over from the recent floods, and I walked in to show how deep it is.

Where Hoe Rough opens out, you can see the extent of the virgin snow to the south.
At this point the sun went in, and didn’t appear again.

The river bend from the Hoe side, looking across to Beetley Meadows.
Walking there was heavy going, as nobody had been down there before us, and the path was covered over.

Next to the gate of the path that leads up to Holt Road. I am calling Ollie a ‘good boy’ to make him wag his tail for you. 🙂
The pools of water you can see are left over from the recent flooding.

This is ‘The Dell’, where I like to sit and rest on very hot days.
What looks like a pond is in fact a deep pool of rainwater that has been there for months.

Looking north from the southern end of Hoe Rough.
Behind the wire fence is a large private woodland, part of the huge garden of a relatively small house in Hoe.

I hope you have all enjoyed my two days of snow videos. Hopefully, that will be the last of the snow this year!

54 thoughts on “Video: More Heavy Snow, and Hoe Rough

  1. Thank you for this great documentation on rare masses of snow in northern Britain. I am right? 🙂 It seems Ollie is more something like a “snow tiger”. Lol I love watching videos with snow, and also images with snow, but i am happy not had too much here, this winter.;-) Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In the eight years I have lived here, this is only the third time we had snow this bad. It is unusual, rathher than to be expected. It was surprisingly deep this year, probably because it was accompanied by an East wind that blew it into small drifts.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. There are lots of birds around, Carol. Over on Hoe Rough, there are mostly crows, but also woodpeckers and buzzards. By the river we get egrets and herons, but the snow seems to have driven them away.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Today’s sunshine has started to slowly melt it. It is supposed to get a lot warmer over the weekend, so it was good to be able to get the images while it looked nice. Ollie seems less bothered about the ‘phone on a stick’ now, Mary. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I like being the first to walk on the fresh snow. But I have to be careful of water pools under the snow, and deep mud hidden by it too. That’s why I tend to walk where Ollie has been. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes. RAF Marham nearby, (12 miles by road) and Lakenheath (USAF/RAF) an hour away by car. We rarely see them though, as they are too high. Occasionally they fly very low, and you can see the heads of the pilots in the cockpit.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  2. Ollie is a very handsome boy. I would love snow like that just so I can get the camera out. Asides from leaning out the window of my room to catch a scattering a few weeks ago, there has been none at all lol

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I don’t doubt it. The majority of my life when there’s been snow like that I haven’t had to go anywhere. I might feel very differently if we got that and I had to travel.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Photo comments:
    (1) I’m only familiar with the Rough Hoes here in Nevada.
    (2) Debussy claimed that dogs can hear the sound of crystal shimmy shakes when snowflakes are dancing.
    (3) You showed the back of Ollie’s head before heading back.
    (4) Ollie: “What a pee-hue-tiful place to create abstract art with yellow water-based paint!”
    (5) “Where Hoe Rough opens out, you can see the extent of the virgin snow to the south.” You don’t often see “hoe” and “virgin” in the same sentence!
    (6) Did you tell Olllie you were going whitewater rafting? “Hey, Pete, where’s the raft?”
    (7) Ollie: “Here we go again with ‘Wag the Dog’. How about you do some twerking, eh?”
    (8) Aren’t there any farmers in Beetley? I don’t see a Farmer in The Dell.
    (9a) The woods are always whiter on the other side of the fence.
    (9b) Film location for “The Haunting of Hoe House.”

    Liked by 4 people

  4. That’s a decent snowfall, Pete. Ollie seems very engaged in his walk. I love the snow but not sure how long I would want to trudge through the snow and the puddles. I imagine Ollie makes it all worthwhile. It is nice seeing your part of the world.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Maggie. Such heavy snow is not the norm here. Ollie doesn’t mind it, but I find it hard going on the walks. At least it looks nice, though it does affect local travel and driving. It was worth documenting it on these video clips, as it is rare here. I could actually do with no snow at all, as that makes everyday life much easier.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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