My Mum: A Tribute For Mother’s day

Today is Mother’s Day in Britain. I send my greetings to all mums, including my wife who must endure a lockdown day, seeing none of her four children.

In the photo above, my mum is celebrating her 70th birthday. She died in 2012, aged 87. Four days before Mother’s Day that year.

I never missed celebrating that day for her, buying a large card with lots of additonal pages, and a Lindt Easter Egg that she looked forward to every year.

She was a great mum, and worried about me even when she was desperately ill.

Born in 1924, she lived in London throughout WW2. Terrified by the bombing during The Blitz, but still going to work every day. In fact she worked until she was 75 years old, enjoying the company more than she needed the additional income. She loved her family, and she loved all animals, especially her beloved pet dogs and cats.

Not a day goes by when I do not think about her, and miss her.

Violet Johnson. 9th of July, 1924 – 14th of March, 2012. Rest in peace, my beloved mum.

75 thoughts on “My Mum: A Tribute For Mother’s day

    1. Thanks, Carol. She was ‘old school’, and tried to stay smiling through everything. That night of her 70th birthday, she was particularly happy to be out celebrating with family.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  1. Great post 🙂 Your mother must have been a wonderful human being based on the way you describe her 🙂 Since you mention that she loved animals, did she ever get to know your dog Ollie? 🙂 Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sweet memories, Pete. It’s interesting to talk to people who lived through a major world event. Maybe someday, someone will pick our brains about the coronavirus.

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    1. Future historians now have the luxury of tens of millions of blogs to use for research and information. Imagine if most people involved in WW2 had been able to blog about it! 🙂
      I was born seven years after the war ended, and as I grew up, it was all anyone around me ever talked about then.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Whether true or not – love the picture you posted – she looks like ‘my kind of gal’ as in one I would enjoy spending time with – thus, I mourn with you that she is gone, long before I ever met you, let alone her – 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Need to clarify, “whether she is my kind of gal and that would have been true or not” – I don’t doubt the picture you posted is true – sigh – stream of thinking writing in comments doesn’t serve as well as first draft writing endeavors – does it – ? LOL

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    2. She loved animals, family, making cakes, and looking after people who were older. I think she was everyone’s kind of girl, TamrahJo. I never met anyone who didn’t like her, or heard a bad word said about her.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  4. I always think of my mum and my mother-in-law on Mother’s Day. They were such different characters and died about fourteen years ago but I still pass Mum’s house quite often as we moved here to be near her when Dad died.Mum-in law was a publican but Mum was a housewife. They were both great examples of unselfish love and loyalty and I thank them for teaching us all about the importance of family.

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  5. Our first Mothering Sunday since my mother died. Even though Mother’s Day is a different date in Australia, I always sent her a card at this time, searching for one that actually said ‘Mothering Sunday, the proper Christian version. One of my earliest memories is we children all going up to the front of the church to be given a humble bunch of violets to take back to our mothers in the pews – no commercialism then.

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        1. My mum moved around a bit over the years, but she ended her days in Peckham, living at Nunhead Green. She liked it there.
          When we were buying the house in Norfolk, she refused to come and live with us. She died the same month I was due to move here.

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