Worried About Ollie

Over the past fe days, Ollie has been displaying signs of being unwell. He has been off his food, and not eating much at all. He has been drinking a great deal of water, almost three full bowls a day, plus what he drinks from the river on his walks.

Then he has been sleeping to excess, showing little interest in his toys, and not being remotely playful. At night, he is looking for his bed not long after 10 pm, and he has been reluctant to get up and go out in the garden in the morning.

Something is not right with my great friend and companion. This weekend is a holiday here, so on Tuesday I will ring the Vet, and get an appointment.

I am sure Ollie is trying to tell us something, and I would not want to let him down.

112 thoughts on “Worried About Ollie

  1. Poor Ollie it’s always worse with animals as they can’t tell us what is wrong…I see you mentioned him drinking river water I know it’s hard to stop them but we had a dog years ago who contracted Weil’s disease from drinking river water …I hope Ollie perks up and is ok šŸ™‚ x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Carol. He has been drinking from the river every day ever since we got him, so I suspect it isn’t that. I am taking him for a check up this morning, so hopefully the Vet will discover the reason.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

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  2. I feel happier now I read your latest reply šŸ™‚ I know how much of a worry it is when our Jackie is off colour as she gets older, thankfully she continues to be ok, just like Ollie will be šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, no! And of course these things always seem to happen on a weekend or a holiday, in this case both! Please keep us posted on Tuesday, and give Ollie extra pats from me. Best to you, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The vet put Diesel on a special heart and kidney diet but he didn’t like it. For the last few weeks we fed him on boiled chicken or fish with rice. They just can’t tell you when they don’t feel right, can they? Still, you know Ollie so well I’m sure you are doing the right thing. Best Wishes, Julie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Last night, he suddenly started acting like his old self, very playful. Perhaps whatever it was has passed? I will take him in next week anyway.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. Sure hope everything is okay with Ollie. Sometimes my dog will go through a day or two without much of an appetite, and then just as mysteriously, it comes back.

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  6. Ollie and you are in my thoughts and prayers, Pete. May the vet – and St Francis – speed his recovery. [P.s. St Francis is the patron saint of animals. We have three images in our home – and five animals.]

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh dear, Pete, why is it pets, small children and elderly parents always get sick over long weekends when it is difficult to get help quickly. Keep an eye on Ollie and take him on Tuesday. I am a believer in instincts. We know when our pets and kids are sick, even if they can’t tell us.

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    1. He never eats anything outside, Rich. But he is getting old now (for his breed) so it might be a change in habits with age. I will get him seen next week.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  8. Oh Pete. I do hope Ollie improves. Has the weather got very warm over there? Itā€™s warmer here n Iā€™ve noticed the big fella isnā€™t eating as much. Heres hoping itā€™s something simple. Keep us posted.

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  9. Oh, no. Fingers crossed so very much. (My first thought was kidneys, but as a rule that tends to come on gradually, not this suddenly.) I hope heā€˜ll be OK … and he wonā€˜t need the emergency services!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, they can get Diabetes, and it is also a sign of kidney problems. I don’t want to second-guess anything just yet though, as Ollie’s sister died of kidney failure last year. I will wait and see what the Vet says next week, or call him out as an emergency if Ollie gets worse.
      This morning he is just a little sluggish, and not drinking much at all. I might be worrying about nothing, I hope so.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Mary. If he gets any worse I won’t hesitate to get him checked. He enjoyed his walk yesterday, and ate half his dinner. But he isn’t acting right, you just get a feel for that.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  10. Poor Ollie and poor you. It’s such a worry when things go wrong for our pets, and that sure seems to have happened for your canine pal.

    Is there an emergency vet around at all? If so, a phone call may be a good idea.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The emergency service is only available as a callout to the surgery, and that is fiercely expensive over a holiday weekend. If Ollie was worse, or if he gets worse, we will use that of course, Carolyn. At the moment he is eating, though not much, and enjoying his walks. I am keeping a close eye on him, you can be sure.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Daniel. Always happens over holiday times. At least Ollie is still enjoying his walks, and eating something. If he was to get worse, I would use the emergency callout option.
      Best wishes, Pete.


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