Some Sunday Musings

Life has finally returned to normal after Christmas and New Year. I couldn’t be more pleased about that, as I find comfort in routine these days.


What hasn’t returned to normal is the weather. After three days of bright sunshine, we got eighteen hours of torrential rain. With only one day below freezing, the mud hasn’t hardened, and dog-walking with Ollie is still unpleasant. The strange winter weather continues next week apparently, with temperatures climbing back up to over 10C, before falling again.


After five days on his new tablet medication, Ollie has stopped shaking his head, and is a lot calmer and more relaxed. His fur has yet to grow back, but on the plus side it does seem to have stopped falling out. Becuse he cannot have his arthritis tablets in conjunction with the steroids and antibiotics, his front legs have become stiff again, and he is not even contemplating chasing any deer or rabbits.


I still haven’t got around to having my car checked out, but I am encouraged by the fact it is running well, and there is no squeaky noise at all.
Now I have typed that, I am sure I have pushed my luck, and anticipate ‘The return of the squeak’ forthwith!


Not much else has happened worth reporting. I see that as a very good thing.


46 thoughts on “Some Sunday Musings

  1. The weather is pretty bizarre here too. It was quite warm over Christmas, then it cooled down slightly, and it’s supposed to be getting cold again after the temperatures were up for a few days. Not easy for going anywhere, although worse for walking a dog, of course. I hope Olli is in good form again soon. Trying to juggle different medications is complicated. And fingers crossed on the car front.
    Stay safe and I hope the year starts getting better soon, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We have the usual Texas winter weather: sometimes as hot as 85 F. [30 C.], sometimes als low as 10 F. [-12 C.] As they say, “It you don’t like the weather in Texas, just wait 5 minutes!” 😉
    All the best, for Ollie, too,

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Here, summer temperatures can easily be 40 C. and more – and that for 3 consecutive months! As General Philip Sheridan is supposed to have said, “If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell.”

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Great to hear about Ollie, as as we had more than a foot of rain in three days here, our mountain snowpack in California is now at 200% of normal – as that is our drinking water for spring and summer, some good news from that storm! Now it won’t rain again for a year…

    Liked by 2 people

  4. (1) Why go to the supermarket to buy chocolate, sugar, butter, and milk when you’ve all you need to make a mud cake right outside your door?
    (2) Seen & Overheard:
    Pete: “Another tablet, Ollie?”
    Ollie shakes his head no.
    Pete: “C’mon, Ollie. Another tablet.”
    Ollie shakes his head no.
    Pete: “Look, a new toy! All you have to do is swallow this tablet.”
    Ollie shakes his head no.
    …Two hours later…
    Pete: “I’ll put on a bunny costume if you take this tablet. I’ll wear it all day long!”
    Ollie no longer shakes his head no.
    (3) “And in next squeak’s automobile news, a man in Beetley will tell us how everything has returned to normal, including a certain annoyance related to his car.”

    Liked by 1 person

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