Britain’s Driving Licence Fiasco

As most of you know, I am currently unable to drive, as my expired driving licence has not been renewed by the DVLA. (Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency) This is impacting my daily life, and that of millions of other drivers all across Britain. My friend Antony sent me this video, which was filmed secretly by an undercover reporter for The Times Newspaper. Although mainly of interest to readers in the UK, the sheer scale of the bungling and laziness at the DVLA is staggering to watch on film. I have written to my member of parliament referencing this film, which has been seen by the Minister of Transport. But nothing has been done since he watched it.

58 thoughts on “Britain’s Driving Licence Fiasco

  1. Hi Pete, we seem to be living in a world of lazy people who have endless excuses not to do any work or to do half a job. Africa is King with this situation but they had very good teachers in some parts of the Western World.

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    1. My next move is to contact the Chief of Police in Norfolk and ask if I would be prosecuted for driving until my new licence arrives. I’m not holding out much hope of a resolution, Michele.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

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  2. Thanks for sharing this information, Pete! Now i am able to understand this a little bit more. With similar way of work done by ancestors in the past Great Britain would not have become so great. 😉 But i am sure all will become well, before the next elections. 😉 Nobody of the politicans want to loose his best paid job. 🙂 xx Michael

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    1. Much worse for you, Harmony, as at least my wife can drive to the shops or wherever. I have written (email) to my MP, and heard back that he will contact the DVLA with my case reference. I am not holding my breath for a speedy outcome though.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

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    1. Have any of those politicians ever told the truth about anything, I wonder? The rot set in at the top, and is now filtering down through each branch of a slowly-rotting system.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. As implied on the video, Peggy, there is currently no end in sight. New applications pour in daily, and it seems to be a lottery whether or not one of the bone-idle clerks bothers to process your licence.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  3. I can see your problems now Pete.
    In NZ our driver licences & annual vehicle checks expiry dates were suspended.
    And you go to you nearest AA office for licences (who take your photo) & private service centres/ garages for the vehicle check – who enter into the national computer instantly.

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  4. I heard about this on the radio a week ago, it seems there is a mass breakdown of many services in the UK at the moment. Its a shame the magic money tree that paid for the Covid crisis cannot solve many of the other problems that exist.


    1. The big money spent on Covid went to friends of the government to supply PPE and Track and Trace that was rarely fit for purpose. Then they furloughed millions of workers to keep their big-business friends happy. If a pleb like me can’t drive, no politician could care less about that mate.
      (Found your comment in Trash, no idea why.)
      Cheers, Pete.

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  5. Our situation with the BMV here seems to be okay, but other government offices remain closed. I haven’t had many dealings with the BMV. I renewed shortly before the pandemic. I had to file for unemployment. It was impossible to get a straight answer to my claim. My daughter had a similar issue. She never got paid for the three months she was out of work due to Covid. f course, this was handled by the state where we lived. They thought everyone who filed was committing fraud.

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  6. It’s appalling. If things were allowed to get so backed up, couldn’t they at least extend people’s licenses for 6 months? Meanwhile some have been sitting home getting paid for doing nothing. Amazing.

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    1. Yes, paying almost 4,000 people full salary to do nothing for nearly two years. Yet another pandemic scandal in this country, overshadowed by war in Ukraine.
      Best wishes, Pete.


    1. Now the ordinary workers, like those civil servants at the DVLA, are jumping on the ‘partygate-style’ bandwagon. The poor example set by the government has filtered down to the working-classes, Ro.
      Cheers mate, Pete. x


  7. It looks like a pretty well researched video. My view is that this is absolutely scandalous!! Staggering inefficiency. More people should write to their MPs about this. Well done you Pete for contacting your MP. But shouldn’t the Police, Insurance Companies (who will lose out financially) and other agencies who depend on drivers protest more?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Questions have been asked in parliament on many occasions, Paul. Shapps the transport minister has promised a full investigation by May this year. (MAY!) Over 100,000 people have been waiting more than 12 months for a new licence and millions more since. But the war in Ukraine has taken the issue from the news media, and from the minds of champagne-swilling government ministers who have ‘official drivers’ and don’t have to bother about their own licences.
      Best wishes, Pete.


    1. It is fast becoming a national scandal, Maggie. They are using every excuse under the sun to try to justify it, from Covid-19, shortages of staff willing to work there, and even the war in Ukraine.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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