Sunday Musings As The Branches Fall

This weekend has been dominated by the completion of the tree trimming. Two days of work on the largest Oak tree, the one in our back garden. After a late start and early finish yesterday, the contractors were back early this morning, and got busy as soon as they arrived. As I sit typing this, I can hear branches falling at the back, and the men talking as larger sections are lowered down on ropes. Hopefully, this cut should last us for six years. If I am still around in 2028, I won’t be using the same unreliable company, that’s for sure.


The weather has been remarkably good of late. It was announced on the BBC that this has been one of the driest Aprils on record. I am certainly not complaining about that, even if keen gardeners locally are having to use hosepipes to water their gardens. Mud-free dog walking is a joy indeed!


I managed to get Ollie booked in next week for his booster injections at the Vet. But so far, the groomer still has no appointments, so his much-needed bath will have to wait.


Anyone else notice how Ukraine is starting to ‘slip’ down the news? It has come second to whether or not Boris Johnson should resign, and all the wheeling and dealing going on to try to decide who might succeed him. One day this week, Ukraine came third, after the Economics Management Finance conference, and Boris’s antics. There was a better report late one night, speculating that once Putin has a corridor across southern Ukraine, he will move against Moldova next. That country is not in NATO, but it will be interesting to see the world reaction if Russia tries to occupy it.


Prices of petrol and diesel are still at an all-time high here, but at least the panic buying has stopped. To keep those panic buyers happy, there is something else to worry about stocking up on. Sunflower Oil is one of the largest exports from Ukraine, so because of the war there is going to be a European shortage of the stuff. I don’t use it, but no doubt all other oils, including the Olive Oil I do buy, will soon be sold out. After the first announcement on the news, the ‘big three’ supermarkets had to ration sales of it within hours. Nice to know that those panic buyers have got nothing better to do with their lives.


I hope you all have a peaceful and enjoyable Sunday, wherever you are.


45 thoughts on “Sunday Musings As The Branches Fall

  1. I’ve noticed that news of Ukraine hasn’t been the top story. I like to think that’s because of their tenacity and resilience against Russia. In some ways it feels like America during the Revolutionary War. The British were strong and Americans were farmers who… well, you know. On the flip side, all I can think about when Ukraine is asking for help, is when Britain asked America for help in WWII. We drug our feet. I will always feel ashamed for that. Really.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ukraine is receiving a huge amount of help, both financially, and with military equipment. It reminds me of how France supported your Colonial Army during the Revolutionary War. My fear is that NATO will eventually expand into ‘boots on the ground’ in Eastern Europe, and end up fighting Russia in what will be WW3.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. HI Pete, I suppose when things like the Ukraine war drag and the impact on most people is not direct, it does start to fade. People get used to bad news very quickly and start to take it for granted. People are not able to sustain high levels of anxiety for lengthily periods. The leadership in the UK seems pretty poor but that is a world wide trend. Politics definitely attracts a certain type of person.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It does seem that the days of principled politicians are over. The current crop only appear to be interested in influence and money. The old-school socialists who created the Welfare State in Britain must be spinning in their graves to see it being dismantled.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Here the sunflower oil panic buying happened shortly after the war started. It got to the point where it was more expensive than olive oil (here, in Spain, where we have a fair bit of it, but still). Petrol is bad, but everything else has gone up as well. They keep up with Ukraine, but they seem to be dedicating it less and less time, and as I was away for a bit, it is even more noticeable. These days national news have taken the prime spot as well.
    The weather here has been pretty bad, with plenty of rain, and it even managed to spoil Sant Jordi last Saturday (the festival where there are stalls selling roses and books here in Catalonia), although it seems to have improved since. But not up to the usual temperatures and sun for the period of the year.
    I hope you can get Ollie an appointment soon, and good to get the tree sorted, eventually.
    Stay safe and enjoy the rest of the week, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. (1) Even if you’re not around in 2028, you’ll be present on your branch of the family tree.
    (2) Beetley may be mud-free. But there’s definitely mud further south because there is no shortage of mudslingers in Parliament.
    (3) Here in the U.S., “groomer” has taken on a whole new meaning.
    (4) Ever since Russia attacked Ukraine, I’ve been saying that the next country to face Putin’s wrath will likely be Moldova, precisely because, unlike Poland and the Baltic States, it is not a member of NATO. Also, there is the matter of Transnistria, a pro-Russian breakaway state. (Sorry! The situation is not humorous.)
    (5) Kansas is the Sunflower State. But it’s only the fourth largest producer of sunflower products here in the U.S. Maybe we should settle some Ukrainian refugees in Kansas in order to boost production?
    (6) Gas here in Las Vegas is over $5.00/gallon. The increase in the cost of gasoline is driving people crazy!
    (7) I spent part of my Sunday hiking Ice Box Canyon over in Red Rock Canyon NCA.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yeah for dry walks…I don’t watch tv either but am surprised the war has dropped down in the pecking order..I just wish the politicians would get on with their jobs(what)they were elected for and stop all this mudslinging there is the war, covid, the Nhs and a lot of other things which they would be better served to focus on..shame on all of them…x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love these little snippets of your life! Even though we’re from different countries we still have to trim the trees, wash the dog, shake our heads at the media, politics, and gas prices. Oh and let’s not for get the weather! đŸ’•C

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Life in most first world western countries is quite similar, though we have less to worry about when it comes to people carrying guns of course. đŸ™‚ đŸ™‚
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  7. Gas prices are just about as high as anywhere in the country here. We were paying $.4.97 per gallon when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine happened. It got as high as $5.97 a couple of weeks ago and then dropped $.20 per gallon. I just got gas yesterday, and we’re back up to $5.97 per gallon again. My wife’s car runs on premium gas, so it’s even more expensive for her.

    We hired a painter to paint the exterior of our house. He starts next week. He painted my neighbor’s house, so I’ve seen his work. He showed up on time and did an excellent job on her place. At 63, this will be the first time I haven’t painted our house. I am ready to let somebody younger take charge as going up and down a ladder is getting too physically demanding.

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    1. Gas here means gas as in the gas in central heating and what heats hot water. What powers cars is called petrol! All fuel is rocketing up in price all over the world it seems. Worrying times we live in.

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    2. Diesel for my car is currently the equivalent of $10.29 a gallon here, Pete. It has been increasing weekly since the war in Ukraine started. The last time I filled up it cost me just over $113.
      I stopped climbing ladders a couple of years ago, and pay someone to cut the hedges. Our house is one-level, and brick built. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be painted.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You said if needed you would never employ the same contractor for your trees. Bet they feel that if asked they would never work for that tough Londoner again. Must be satisfying to hear and watch them working non stop on your tree.

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  9. I don’t have a TV and restrict my exposure to the news. I am still very sad for Ukraine and for whoever is next. It’s terrible knowing what is happening and wanting the killing to stop but being unable to do a single thing that will make a difference. I hear, by the way, that China is also a presence now in the West Indies. There is so much more in play than we know. At least you’ve got the trees sorted and nice weather. Best wishes to Ollie.

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  10. I’ve noticed from neighbouring ravages that good tree surgeons are rare.
    Sorry that Ollie’s bath is postponed.
    I don’t watch live TV and am dismayed but not surprised that Ukraine is slipping – I Tweet #StandWithUkraine every day if I can! Love to you all.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I don’t think many people even know where Moldova is, so that will be interesting to keep an eye on.
    I’m not worried about the oil shortage. I fry now in an air fryer and just a tad oi when sautĂ©ing, but thanks for the heads-up info!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Yes that’s what always happens on the news, when conflict starts they don’t do anything else then run out of anything else to say so it slips down. Sick to death of Boris and his ilk. It has been a nice April, if a little cold in the evenings. Happy Sunday Pete!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, FR. I read that Liz Truss is the current favourite to replace him. That would be good, as she is completely hopeless and might lose them the next election. đŸ™‚
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. In the humblest of respects to Ukraine, I thought you’d be pleased that eradicating that Eton buffoon is worthy being number 1 news.
    Yes Moldova will be next – then China into Taiwan. Of concern down here is China has done a deal with the Solomon Islands, of which NZ has put a lot of money, soldiers & police into.
    China also wants Samoa, and does this by offering to build a new port for them, expensive and badly needed, but able to take Chinese warships.
    Also of interest to NATO is the French elections.
    Electile Dysfunction = The inability to be aroused by any of the parties standing for the election!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. If Le Pen wins in France, the future of Europe will be very different indeed.
      The only bad thing about getting rid of Boris is the danger of getting someone else who actually knows what they are doing. That seems unlikely, given the front-running candidates.
      Thanks, Gavin.
      Best wishes, Pete

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