Some Vintage Products You Just Had To Buy!

Wasn’t advertising great in the past? New must-have gadgets or essentials that were available at a good price. And you never knew you needed them until you saw the advert.

I’m guessing these would be very popular today.

Mum and baby enjoying a beer in the daytime? “Oh, it’s only for the malt”.

If only they still sold these, it would solve my problem.

There are none on my walls, honest!

Washing off that nuclear fallout was so easy back then.

Small wonder obesity has become such a problem in so many countries.

Now I need to buy some Bar Mix. Can’t think why.

Sauna pants were obviously the answer. They should bring them back on sale.

Tha family that shoots together stays together.

Where do they sell this? (And will it make my toaster greasy?)

A satisfying smoke and mouthwash combined. Solves two things at once.

You wouldn’t look silly using this, you really wouldn’t.

62 thoughts on “Some Vintage Products You Just Had To Buy!

  1. OH MY!!! Some of these would get you sent to prison today! Thanks for this fun post … I had no idea some of these products even existed. It’s always fun to find that some things were actually “before my time”!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. (1) Dentists wondered if Cocaine Toothache Drops would lead to tooth withdrawal.
    (2) Childhood memories: “Blatz Beer was even better than Mama’s Milk!”
    (3) That man will look silly with a beehive hairstyle.
    (4) Bluebeard claimed that stuffed Girl’s Heads infringed on his patent.
    (5) Flobar A-Bomb Detergent washed away radioactive particles but lacked essential Vitamin E. With no antioxidant for the skin, the product was pretty much worthless.
    (6) Due to rampant obesity, customers today go for Twiggy’s Spicy Hot Tonic. Nobody needs Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic anymore.
    (7) I put lemon in my tea. However, I’d rather see the World’s Largest Lemons in a wet tee.
    (8) The “gentle massaging action” of those Sauna Pants raised…an eyebrow.
    (9) The Daisy Targeteer was responsible for driving Miss Daisy mad. (She never got shot, but ended up in an asylum.)
    (10) Kevin intended to name a third child Reddi Bacon. But Kyra said she wasn’t ready to endure another pregnancy. “If I have to go through that again, I’ll be toast!”
    (11) Listerine cigarettes weren’t as successful as smokeless tobacco.
    (12) Baby Face Nelson used Facial Gym for years. After the FBI gunned him down at age 25, one of the agents remarked that the gangster didn’t look a day over 15.

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  3. I’m giggling at all of these, Pete! Ha! Such “needed” items that I can clearly see would make my life better (or would’ve). Can’t wait to smoke after I brush my teeth! I’m going to share this with my family. It’s a hoot! Take care, Pete! Thank you for the giggles!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, Pete! I enjoyed a trip out West with my hiking tribe. Recovering to prepare for my big surgery on Nov. 1st in Maryland. I’ll go MIA for a while to heal. I’m expecting good things, Pete. You take care, too!

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  4. I love the hat that makes hair grow. I can think of a few women whose heads I’d like to see….ugg…no, scratch that, I wouldn’t. I lived in Lynbrook once. Never saw that company though.

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      1. You can buy pre-cooked packaged bacon in many places in England, including:

        Supermarkets: Most major supermarkets in England sell pre-cooked packaged bacon, such as Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, and Morrisons.
        Convenience stores: Many convenience stores in England also sell pre-cooked packaged bacon, such as Tesco Express, Sainsbury’s Local, and Asda Express.
        Butcher shops: Some butcher shops in England sell pre-cooked packaged bacon, as well as fresh bacon.
        Online retailers: You can also buy pre-cooked packaged bacon online from retailers such as Amazon and Ocado.
        Here are some specific examples of pre-cooked packaged bacon brands that are available in England:

        Tesco Finest 4 Smoked Pre-Cooked Bacon Rashers
        Sainsbury’s Taste the Difference 4 Smoked Pre-Cooked Bacon Rashers
        Asda Extra Special 4 Smoked Pre-Cooked Bacon Rashers
        Morrisons The Best 4 Smoked Pre-Cooked Bacon Rashers
        Oscar Mayer Bacon Bites
        Denny’s Bacon Strips
        Tulip Smoked Pre-Cooked Bacon Rashers
        Finnebrogue Smoked Pre-Cooked Bacon Rashers
        When choosing pre-cooked packaged bacon, it is important to check the label to make sure that it is cooked to your liking. Some pre-cooked bacon is cooked all the way through, while other bacon is simply smoked or cured. It is also important to check the expiration date on the label to make sure that the bacon is fresh.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely stuff, from different times; lovely meaning also occasionally outrageous, of course 😉 To be fair about the beer, and not casting any aspersions, but it might have been weak — the alcohol content isn’t shown — and beer was very commonly drunk by all before drinking water purity could be assured. That said, alcohol addiction is very pernicious, so not to be encouraged. Cheers, Jon.

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