More Weird And Wonderful Album Covers

Let me know when you are fed up seeing these. I can’t get enough of them!

I see eight people, not four. Can’t they count?

The record you never knew you needed.

This one is wrong on so many levels.

In the days before leg-waxing became popular?

This must have appealed to a ‘niche market’, surely?

Lena was once a very popular child entertainer in the UK, but this would never work in today’s world.

Another one that would be ‘cancelled’.

A scary clown with a small boy on his lap? NO!

A ventriloquist’s dummy and blatant sexual innuendo. Unbelievable.

Talk about ‘obvious’. And what is that furry coat/title innuendo all about?

Three for you to buy in time for Halloween.

54 thoughts on “More Weird And Wonderful Album Covers

    1. John, I am more convinced than ever that most of them (90%+) are genuine. Many can be found on You Tube, and you can listen to tracks from them. (If you would ever want to of course.)
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. (1) I see sixteen people on the Nottingham Four album cover. But maybe I’ll count again once I’m sober.
    (2) The Sound of Combat Training: “Run! Run for your life!”
    (3) I’m going to be really disappointed when I go to heaven if all I can get is an inflatable doll. “Where the hell did all the real women go?!”
    (4) “We Like Ugly Women” lyrics include: “Don’t shave those legs!” (Bobby Jimmy and the Critters)
    (5) I wonder if the Auntie Tina Dixon album was recorded in Carlsbad Caverns? And if the pervert’s name is Carl (or maybe Carl with a K)?
    (6) Overheard:
    “Ma! He’s making eyes for me!”
    “It’s okay, dear. You’re Frosty the Snowman’s daughter. He doesn’t want you to go through winter blind!”
    (7) “He touched me. And I liked it. I liked it a lot! In fact, I liked it so much that I want to sing about it!”
    (8) Oh, that’s a circus clown? I thought it was a certain politician!
    (9) Sadly, Dick and Willie don’t understand how to assume the 69 position.
    (10) Lady, keep your mouth away from that guy’s trumpet!
    (11a) The Transylvania Polka: “I’m going polka couple o’ holes in your neck!”
    (11b) That’s Lurch? I thought it was a certain climate czar.
    (11c) I like “Frankenstein Rock,” but I’m waiting to hear the Brita Cyborg cover.

    Liked by 1 person

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