November Sunday Musings

A change in the weather after Wednesday cheered me up. It turned a lot colder, but with bright sunny days accompanied by blue skies. It felt more like the Novembers I remember from my youth.


We had to bite the bullet and buy a new fridge freezer on Tuesday. The other one had lived in the shed for a long time, (there is a conventional small fridge in the kitchen) and being technically ‘outside’ had started to work erratically. I can’t complain, as it had worked okay for a few years, and we had been advised not to keep it there when it was delivered. So now we will have less space in the kitchen, and have to shift things around before it is delivered on Wednesday. We bought the same one that Fraggle featured on her blog this year, but had to grit our teeth when we were charged £50 EXTRA for buying it in white instead of the standard silver finish. When did ‘white goods’ start costing more for being in white?


Ollie seems to be having some trouble with his teeth, which is not surprising, considering his age. I had a look in his mouth, but couldn’t see anything obvious. However, he had been refusing anything hard to chew like hard biscuits, then his not-so-hard dental care stick was left half-chewed yesterday, and Julie noticed blood on the end. So he has to go to the Vet on Wednesday, piling on the expense so close to Christmas. But if it makes him better, it doesn’t matter how much it costs.


I had my appointment at Norwich eye clinic last week, but wrote about that on another post. If you didn’t see it, here’s a link to that.

A Long Dull Day


Whatever you are doing on this cold November Sunday, I hope it makes you happy.


65 thoughts on “November Sunday Musings

  1. So sorry about Ollie. I had to take my cat in for tooth care – he had three teeth pulled and the rest cleaned. The bill was over $900. But we love him and want him to be infection-free. Best wishes for a smaller bill for you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good news on the weather front. Sorry about Ollie. I feel his pain. I broke a tooth a few weeks ago, and removing the root proved quite complicated, so it’s going to be months before they can sort it out. I hope his issue is easier and faster to solve. Take care, Pete, and all the best.

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  3. poor ollie, but he is lucky to have you two who know his value. as for the fridge, that is so frustrating, I hate spending money on things like that, but we all have to at times. I’m about to take my car in for repair again, but still better than new at this point.

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  4. (1) Ah! A November you can remember!
    (2) We live in the Silver State, but our refrigerator is white. Thanks for shedding light on the situation in the UK.
    (3) Ollie is getting long in the tooth. And that’s a bloody shame!
    (4) Yesterday, we went for a late afternoon walk at Clark County Wetlands Park. The park is currently featuring a temporary exhibit of outdoor sculptures on a short loop trail. We’ll have to go back soon and take some photos. It’s early morning here, so I’m not sure what plans we’ll make for today.

    Please give Ollie a big hug…and a soft chewy treat…for me.

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  5. We cycle our fridges. Whatever was in the kitchen moves to the garage when the garage fridge dies. Unless the kitchen unit is relatively new, then we go to the used appliance center and spend $150 for a new “beer fridge”, the Texas nick name for a garage fridge, even if there are no beers in it. And considering that garage can go from 120f to 10f over a year, they seem to hold up surprisingly well. Good luck with that kitchen thing. I just finished removing a 1979 analog double oven monster, rebuilding the cabinet and replacing the appliance and hardware. No fun for @ geezer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have the other issue, cooler weather. It gets so cold in the shed that the freezer section thermostat thinks it is cold enough, so slows down the freezing. Every so often, we find something parially defrosted in there, and have to throw it away if we can’t use it soon.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. Why is it that extra expenses always seem to occur during the holidays? Although when it comes to Ollie, hang the expense. Here’s hoping for more bright sunny November days ahead. Best to you, Pete.

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  7. I love my new silver fridge. I figure we will eventually have to replace the other appliances in silver anyway. I find it easier to clean and the magnets still stick to it. Dot is having trouble chewing hard things now too. I hope Ollie will be OK. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have removed everything hard from his diet for now. It will be interesting to find out if he really has tooth trouble, or something else going on inside his mouth. I am going to be worried until I know for sure.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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    1. The fridge part is working well, but the freezer section is not freezing the food hard enough. So we had no choice but to replace it now, as a lot of food has to be frozen before and after Christmas.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Cold/clear autumn/winter days are a mixed blessing for me, given my heating arrangements, but it’s lovely to see the sun, nevertheless. It seems like any excuse where surcharges on purchases are concerned. I hope Ollie’s teeth & gums don’t prove to be a regular problem for him, but I know you’ll do whatever it takes. Last performance of our play tonight: good audiences so far, so looking for a rousing finale today, then a welcome rest! Cheers, Jon.

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    1. We have a basic washing machine and a separate tumble-drier. I have found that washing machines tend to last around 8 years maximum, then the cost of possible repair makes it seem more sensible to buy a new one. We have had the same model of Bosch since moving here in 2012. I think we replaced the first one in late 2018, but not sure. (A large wire from one of Julie’s bras caused damage to the drum)
      The tumble-drier is the same one since we moved in, and still works really well. It is vented into the garden, so we don’t have to empty any condensation water from it. It is also in the shed, and seems to cope well with being out there.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  9. Appliances can be expensive though I have bought Beko before when I wanted a cheap dishwasher, my daughter still uses it 12 years on! I have a silver FF, bought 2 yrs ago, very expensive, but because it has a small dent in the side they knocked £250 off!

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    1. We just paid almost £600 for the new Bosch FF. £549 for the FF, (which included the Bosch 2-year guarantee) plus £45 extra to remove the old one and the packaging from the new one. Julie used her NHS staff discount card to get 5% off the cost of the FF. Better than nothing. They tried to sell us an extended warranty, but it worked out at almost £100 for one extra year. We told them what they could do with that…
      Best wishes, Pete. x

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  10. The Corrs played in the park near here last night – could hear it clearly. They are gorgeous! Too hot today, went to shopping mall on bus & nearly fainted. Cold ice cream did the trick. 845pm sunset. It was red so as it says in the bible = shepherds delight. Silver fridge looks much better. Cover it in fridge magnets of all the towns you aint been to. Ollie can come to dentist with me tomorrow, be cheaper.

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    1. My wife will not tolerate a silver fridge-freezer in the kitchen/diner because the washing machine and small fridge are both white. She likes everything to match!
      Best wishes, Pete.


  11. Great news for your weather….ours still sucks….sorry to hear about Ollie hope it clears up….I always hate buying appliances it is so expensive these day….I will be posting more on IST a little later….have a good day chuq

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    1. Things like fridges, TVs, washing machines, and other domestic appliances have recently increased in price by up to 30%. (At least on the better quality and more reliable brands) They are once again becoming a ‘big money purchase’ like they used to be when I was young.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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