The Sad Swan In Shropshire

I saw a small ‘human interest’ story on the BBC News that made me feel sad.

A lonely Swan travels to a nearby school every day to sit and stare at its own reflection in a window. The most likely reason being that it has lost its life partner and is comforted by thinking it is seeing it in the window.

The Swan has to walk across an icy lake then cross over a busy road to do this.

I hope the video plays where you live, it is only 50 seconds long.

47 thoughts on “The Sad Swan In Shropshire

  1. That is really sad and I always wonder when I see a swan alone. No wonder swans inspire fairy tales. We had a spate of wood pigeons dying. They also hang out in pairs and it was sad to see a lone one sitting on the garage roof.

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  2. Ah, poor creature. Hopefully she gets some comfort from it. There’s a flock of swans that sit by a lake at Ryde, IOW. I’m always wary of walking past them, as when they stand up they’re as tall as I am and quite intimidating if they flap their wings.

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