Just a thought…

Since Christmas, every time I go back into the tab of my own blog, I get a pop-up telling me to accept cookies. If I ignore it, the pop-up box remains on the screen.

This also happens when I go from the blog page into the admin page, or to the stats or media pages.

Why do I need to accept the cookies on my own blog when I am already logged in and blogging? I don’t recall this ever happening before. And if I accept them once, why does the warning keep appearing every time?

Like I said, just a thought.

43 thoughts on “Just a thought…

  1. I don’t get it on my blogs, but I do see it on several blogs that I follow and even if I accept the cookies it pops up again when I visit. Not sure whether there is a connection with older themes.

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  2. I have tried twice to contact the “Happiness Engineers”, WP’s tech support, about this very issue, but all I get is some mumbo jumbo from AI telling me that I have to install some plug-in or another. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr … the more they try to “improve” the system, the worse they make it!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. wp is making me crazy as usual. for ten years, I’ve been easily able to post my blog on my Facebook account, it did so automatically when I posted. then, it decided that I have to do it separately, so I did that. now, it often won’t post the picture with the text, it’s kind of hit or miss.

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  4. Quite simply, cookies are tracking attachments left on the hosts website – apparently “to give you a better experience”. In this modern world we accept their lies. What annoys when basic govt dept pages now demand you accept cookies. Why?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know how they use cookies, but I was surprised that WP keeps asking me to approve them on my own blog. After all, they have access to all my blog activity if they wish to look at it.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. Interesting, Pete. I’ve noticed changes that I don’t understand (not about cookies, but about responding to readers I follow –or should I say, NOT being able to respond). I have thoughts about all the changes. I get it. Hope you are all well! Take care.

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