48 thoughts on “Amazing Trains!

  1. These are relics of a bygone era when riding the rails was safe, fashionable, fun. There are no such guarantees today in this age of jam as many passengers into a space as possible at the highest price that be extracted from them and provide as little imitation personal service as can be gotten away with. I always booked a family-sized personal sleeping suite when I traveled by train –back in the 50s through the 60s –before I started private jetting —I loved to go to sleep at night to the click-clack of the train wheels on the rails — although some of the streamliners were so smooth, you could not really hear the old clickety-clack as well ….and the food in the domed dining car, all decked out with table linens, silver ware, crystal glasses from which to drink — being served by uniformed porters …delicious food that would compete with chef-prepared casino far today— I loved the old trains and I miss them a lot.

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    1. The Brightline train might be great news for Vegas, but it still looks ‘normal’, like the Inter-City trains in the UK. Glad you liked the old trains, I think they look so much better than modern ones.
      Best wishes, Pete. .

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  2. They are pretty wild! I saw the red streamlined one in the National Railway Museum only a couple of weeks ago! It’s a place I love to visit, although I have to rely on my family for transport now. It’s great, free, and the coffee’s decent! 😀 Cheers, Jon.

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      1. You really should try to go, Pete: it’s a great day out — you could even catch the train direct to York, and the museum is virtually next door, easy walking distance. You need to book in advance, but you can do it online, and as I said, it’s free. Kids love it as well! 😀

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    1. The trains in the UK are really boring, and they all look identical. There is an extensive network here, but tickets can be very expensive. It is sometimes cheaper to fly from one place to another, which seems crazy.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  3. All very Art-Deco Pete but nowadays ther’s little style at all. I remember in the sixties I used to take a train (steam) from Stockport to Edale and travel in a compartment which opened directly onto the platform. No corridors, so no loo, but comfort all the way with views to die for and the pleasure of listening to the click-clack of the wheels for the whole journey. Hugs

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