47 thoughts on “Only In America

  1. Truth disguised as humour? It could well be! Our next door neighbours are a bit scary in many respects. On the other hand, I spent a lot of time in California and loved it. Depends where you are, I’m sure.

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  2. I hope it’s fake. I hate to think it could be real. First time in an Arizona restaurant we saw a sign that said “No Guns Permitted” and were shocked – guns? Now they past the validation of an 1860s anti-abortion law. What else should we expect, though, as it is Arizona . . . .

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  3. It has everything a potential murderer needs: Gun to begin with, sweatpants, beer, pizza and potatoes to go in hiding (what else would a bro need) and a Bible in case he feels like repenting. A complete deal!

    Liked by 2 people

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