48 thoughts on “Beetleypete’s Classroom: Lesson Three

  1. Thanks for brining to the public attention all of these incisive commentaries with their wisdom and perception.

    This caused me to ponder on a question. The nearest star to our neighbourhood is Proxima Centauri which is 4.2 light years. Which distance is greater? This distance OR The distant between these words you have published and the thought processes of Liz Truss.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great point! 😀 Truss should be in a mental health facility, in my opinion. But my near-neighbours in South Norfolk recently re-selected the mad woman to stand again at the next election. I think her voters must qualify as a ‘cult’.

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It would appear so. One to be wary of seeing as how fellow-believers turn to ‘Reform’ which is gaining support- though hopefully will split the Conservative vote
        Truss does have a ‘singular’ view. Blaming a left-wing influence within the Conservative Party for failures. Leaving me thinking: ‘Who is this very busy individual, and where do they get their stamina from?’

        Take care, Roger

        Liked by 1 person

  2. You found some really, really great ones here, Pete! Sadly, when we speak of empathy, kindness, helping those who need help, caring about others here, we are dubbed “Woke” which has become a dirty word to about half our population. This world is in a heap of trouble, and your Classroom Lessons are very much needed! Therefore, I plan to share this one! Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. (1) Unfortunately, if corporations paid their fair share of taxes, they’d just charge customers more for their products and services.
    (2) People should always be free to speak whatever language they want. But I do wish the U.S. had at least one official language. That’s because federal and certain state governments spend a ton of money on multilingual services.
    (3) The one about bees and flowers was a honey of a quote.
    (4) Inflation is only good for balloons and tires.
    (5) Much of the public is either apathetic or misinformed.
    (6) Sentient robots are destined to inherit the Earth. Mankind had a pretty good run, though.
    (7) Of course, on my side of the Pond, football is a whole ‘nother sport.
    (8) I’m not so sure that a cure for anything exists anymore.


  4. I blew coffee out my nose on a few of these. However the Guy Martin quote goes in my next nonsenstences post. Really? Chasing a bag full of wind in their underwear?🤣 One of those that your brain reads past it and you get it. Classic. The bees, jeez…what a great MEME!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. As some others stated, a few of these get passed around on social media, and many of these I’ve never seen – they are sometimes funny, always sobering, and depressing to know how true they are.

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  6. I see a lot of these on Facebook, Pete, and for me, it’s “preaching to the converted”, but I wonder how many people who aren’t “converted” think much about them when they read them? Hopefully some. Cheers, Jon.

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    1. Guy Martin was a daredevil motorcyclist, racing at the Isle of Man and on other circuits. He now presents TV shows about engineering and speed projects, and he has a strong regional accent 😉 Cheers, Jon.

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  7. Love everyone of them, especially the first one! I hear that in every part of India–speak English if you are educated, Hindi if you are an Indian…If you speak neither, you are either ignorant or a foreigner. Sigh!

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