42 thoughts on “Beetleypete’s Classroom: Lesson Eight

    1. At one time, I wanted to be a History teacher. One of the regrets in my life is that I didn’t take that route. But I am content with what I chose to do eventually.

      Best wishes, Pete.

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      1. I’m not surprised to know that. Just think, instead of teaching history to 20 or 30 students, you’re teaching to thousands. I’m one of those thousands. Thank you for that.

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    1. On Pinterest, Janet. You don’t have to sign up, just look at Pinterest online and put anything into the search bar. I registered my email address with them, so they send me a selection every day. Once you choose to look at a lot of the same subject, they tailor the emails to suit your main interests.

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Kropotkin had an epic beard. The boss leader thing leaves out the fact that someone needs to steer. A leader needs to find a way to get everyone rowing in the same direction. A very obvious problem in modern politics. When I trained sales reps my take on If you don’t know, shut up added the tag line “but I’ll find out for you.” I blew coffee out my nose, again, over the Freud. While we’re there, do you know that spell check inevitably wants to change Freud to Fraud?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I didn’t know about spellcheck as I don’t have it activated. Beards were very much the thing back then, but they are enjoying a resurgent popularity with ‘hipsters’ now.

      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

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