36 thoughts on “Humour For The Weekend

  1. The first one…there are some women’s clothing that should come with age restrictions and not made over a certain size. And the LEGO thing? Try small Barbie accessories found with bare feet in the middle of the night🤣

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  2. (1) Rome wasn’t built in a day. Which isn’t surprising considering it took God six days to create the Universe, the Earth, the Earth’s plants and animals, and the first humans. You would have thought that He could have simply snapped his fingers, and voilà..!
    (2) There’s an iron in my house, but it’s getting rusty with age.
    (3) Most people don’t know that “The Scream” actually depicts the horror experienced by Edvard Munch when he got the midnight munchies and discovered there was nothing in the fridge to eat.
    (4) “Off the beaten path” eventually leads to the “point of no return.” George and Gracie will eventually figure this out when no one crosses their path.

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  3. Thanks for weekend funnies. An airline one too…it’s about how it was/is. My boss used to gt annoyed with me because I refused to call it World Traveller Plus. I referred to it as “Supa Trash.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I always felt like I was just ‘tolerated’ on airlines. But the best one I flew on was Emirates, to Singapore. They had great customer service.

      Best wishes, Pete.


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