On The Mend

I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and concern during my ‘Flu week’. I think the worst is now definitely behind me, thanks to taking a lot of tablets, and sleeping 9 hours dead sleep every night.

Is it any wonder that I caught something though? I have felt cold for over two weeks, and become increasingly run down and tired.

As I type this, it is raining torrentially outside, and strong winds are buffeting the hedges. The temperature is supposed to be 16C (61F) but feels more like 10C. It has been dark since 3pm, with the lights on in the house. Thunder and lightning has just started up, accompanied by small hailstones, and I could easily mistake the month for February.

Something very strange is happening with the weather, and it is happening much sooner than the gloomiest predictions of climate change. If the rest of the Summer carries on like this, we will go straight from Winter into Autumn, with nothing in between.

50 thoughts on “On The Mend

  1. I’m pleased to hear you are feeling better. The weather sounds quite extreme there. I’m touching wood because here it isn’t quite as hot as it normally is this time of the year, and we’ve had some much needed rain. I hope the energy keeps getting better, Pete.

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  2. I agree..we e past the point of anything really effective against climate change. In Florida it is hot hot. In the 90s (F) every day.Then terrible flooding in the southern part, where luckily I’m not. But hurricane season is coming and it really concerns me.

    Glad you are feeling better. I hate being sick.

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  3. Sorry you’ve been sick, Pete! 😦 I’m glad you are feeling better now and I hope the weather will improve as well. We’ve had some chilly days and rain recently, but next week there’s a heat wave coming -high 30s to low 40s. 🥵 Why can’t there be a happy medium?

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  4. Today’s high was 107° F (42° C). And not a cloud in the sky. It was “warm” yesterday, too. I drove around town in preparation for a trip to Pahrump, a semi-rural unincorporated town spread out in a broad valley on the other side of the Spring Mountains. I drove over 200 miles (322 km) yesterday, most of the time with a car dolly hitched to my truck’s rear bumper. In the end, the car dolly wasn’t necessary. The mission was to bring back to Las Vegas a small pickup truck that wouldn’t start, and which was parked on a gravel slope. A battery exchange got it running. It still needs some work, though. So it’s here in Las Vegas. It’s going to get a lot of mechanical attention prior to its owner returning to Nevada.

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  5. I remember feeling so lousy when I had bad colds. When I moved to Seattle maybe it was the change of air or fatigue, stress, all three no doubt. I had the cold to end the all, hacking cough but strangely it was the last cold I ever had….so far, 24 years ago. So I am sorry you have been so unwell and with no warm weather to cheer you. We have a predicted heatwave next week which makes me ill to think about but I have another wee frustration at the moment which has me…perhaps I’ll email you. I’m not sure I can find the energy to blog for a day or so. Nothing awful…one must be grateful…

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  6. Once upon a time you could send your flu to Arizona. Weather all over the shop downunder too. Scottish remedy for flu is best. A double dose of whisky. Kill or Cure/

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  7. Wow, sorry to hear about that, and as for fighting the bug, glad you got past it finally…tornados and hurricanes here in the US – along with massive heatwaves – are going to prove to be the norm in our future as we do nothing to try and corral the atmosphere we’ve polluted so badly. It’s NOT a political issue it’s a scientific one…

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    1. I genuinely think it is too late now to do anything about the catastrophic weather changes to come. It is going to be a hard future for the kids of today who will be the adults having to deal with all of that.

      Best wishes, Pete.

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  8. Glad to hear your feeling better Pete. Our weather here in California U.S has been doing strange things for the past couple of years. This last winter we had huge thunder storms, very very loud thunder and lightening that actually touched ground. I cant remember ever having that happen here before. We also had a couple tornado alerts sent to our phones…..again something I have never had happen here before. Very strange for California.

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  9. Good to hear you’re on the mend, Pete. I saw a report that we might not get any warmer weather until next month, which isn’t very encouraging, but how credible that is is anybody’s guess……. Getting good sleep is always half the battle in recovering from any lurgi. Cheers, Jon.

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  10. Glad you are feeling better now. It was forecast to be the same here, rain, thunder and all that, but it’ss just been cloudy and grey all day and now there are blue skies and fluffy white clouds, but still chilly.

    According to the BBC ~ “Weather varies a lot in the UK, so cooler periods like this are still considered to be ‘normal’. We need to wait until the month is over and the statistics have been studied to see if the weather in June 2024 has been ‘normal’ or not.”

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  11. Glad to hear that you are feeling much better Pete. Currently raining heavily here with hailstones! Temperature around 12C – not much of a flaming June! I too seem to have some kind of infection, my glands are swollen around my right ear and I keep having stabbing pains. Seems there is always something going on healthwise these days. And the older we get the longer it seems for things to heal.

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    1. It does seem there is the famous ‘bug going around’. It left me feeling as weak as a kitten earlier this week, but today I had a bit more energy. I am feeling cheated out of a summer at the moment though. I hope your infection is short-lived.

      Best wishes, Pete. x

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