Yet another Guest Post: Sally Cronin

Courtesy of the lovely Sally, I have been granted yet another guest post on her wonderful site.

Many of you will have seen the post ‘Back to the Future’ before. It is one of my personal favourites on my blog. But if you are a relatively new follower, or just missed this one, then please follow the link, and comment on Sally’s site.

As always, I send my thanks in anticipation.
Best wishes, Pete.

The Hard Men

I am pleased to be able to tell you that Longshot Island has published another of my non-fiction articles on their website. Here is a link, if anyone would like to read it. If you enjoy it, please share on any platform, as there is no facility for comments over there.

I also received some copies of their latest printed magazine, ‘Leaving Home’. This contains my short story, Valerie, and I will be taking some photos of that to show you soon.

Submitting work to them for consideration is an easy process, and I once again encourage anyone who would like to see their writing published to do just that.

Even if your first efforts are rejected, you will at least get intelligent criticism, writing tips and advice, and a real sense of engagement. As a bonus, you will also be inspired to carry on writing.

I know I was.

Film and Cinema: Another new article

I am happy to report that my latest article for another site has been published on Curnblog.
This is my twentieth article on there, and concerns the evolution of films looking at events during the American Civil War. I appreciate that this is something of a niche interest, but I would be pleased if you could take a little time to follow the link, and read it.

For any fan of film, especially those of you who like to dig a little deeper, or give the subject more thought, I can recommend this excellent site. It is run by Australian James Curnow, who has studied the subject in great detail, to an academic level. As well as his own excellent writing, he opens up the site for articles submitted by writers from all over the world.

If you have any comments to add, please make them on that site.

Thanks in advance, Pete.

The Blue and The Grey: The American Civil War on film

Films and Cinema : A new article

It has been a while since I last submitted an article for publication elsewhere. This weekend, I sent a piece on films about prisoners of war to James at I am very pleased to report that he has published it this morning. If any of you would like to read it, or to just discover an excellent website on film and cinema, please follow this link.

Six great Prisoner of War films you might not have seen

If you feel inclined to comment, please do so on that site, as I will reply to them all there.

Thanks in advance, and best wishes to everyone. Pete.

Film and Cinema

Do you like historical epics? Are you a film buff or film fan? If not, then read no further.
However, if I have got you even remotely interested, please click this link to read my latest article on

Seven Classic Historical Epics You Haven’t Seen

This is my fifteenth article on this excellent website, and if you have any comments, positive or negative, please feel free to add them under the original.

Thanks in anticipation, and Happy Easter to everyone. Pete.

Film articles: Another one

I tried to resist the urge to be a self-publicist, but it overwhelmed me. I have been lucky enough to have another article published on James Curnow’s film and cinema website,

It is specialist subject as usual, and this time concerns war films in foreign languages, with subtitles. If you can stifle your yawns long enough, please follow the link and have a look.
Any comments on the original site will be most welcome. Thanks in anticipation, Pete.

Subtitled War Films: International Examinations of Conflict

Another blatant plug

Once again, I have been fortunate to have an article published on a film website. In a shameless attempt to publicise this, I have no hesitation in using this post to recommend both my new article, and of course the site itself.

If you are interested in films and cinema, or just want to see what I have written about, please follow this link.

Little People with Large Talent: Cinema’s Under-Appreciated Performers

Thanks in advance, and best wishes to you all. Pete.

Gritty Brits

I have just had another article published on It is about the early films of the ‘British New Wave’, from the late 1950’s, to the mid 60’s. For any reader interested in the history of film and cinema, or social change, you may find it of some interest. If not, don’t worry, it is your choice, as always.

For anyone who would like to read this, please follow this link.

Best wishes to everyone. Pete.


Number Nine

I am very pleased to announce that I have just had my ninth article published on the film website, CURNBLOG.

I am sure that you will all be thrilled to know, that it is about The Cinema of Germany!

Subtitles, directors with hard-to-pronounce names, depression, bleakness, and loneliness. Hitler, The Nazis, The Stasi, The Berlin Wall, Reunification. It is all there, for your delight. Silent classics, early talkies, vampires, murderers, racism, Communism, and redemption. How can you resist such fare?

Go on, you know you want to…Have a look, and leave a comment, if you feel inclined to do so.

Who knows? You might find something that interests you. Here’s a link.

Das Kino Deutschlands: An appreciation of German Cinema

Thanks in anticipation. Pete.