Things I miss about London

Following yesterday’s reblogged post about London, here is the opposite view. Things to genuinely miss about living in such a vibrant and diverse city. I still miss them, seven years later.


Whenever I talk to friends and family, they eventually ask me what, if anything, I miss about no longer living in London. When I first moved here, it was such a relief to get away from it all, that I used to reply that there was nothing that I missed at all. This is not true of course. You cannot spend sixty years in the city of your birth, without regretting a few things left behind. I have been given to reflection lately, and thought of a few things that I really do miss, so here they are.

The view from Waterloo Bridge

This is possibly the best aspect of the river in London. All the ‘best bits’ are visible from this bridge, though in itself, it is an unattractive, concrete monstrosity. It does nonetheless provide the perfect viewing platform for anyone interested in the sights of London. They are…

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Things that make me happy

It has been suggested to me, by a very dear friend, that I am on something of a ‘downer’ at the moment. Writing about what gets me irritated, and my thoughts on divorce. They are all rather negative things.

So, here we go, with some things that really cheer me up, and make me feel happy.

1) Ollie’s tail. His curly tail wags furiously, every time I look at him, or he sees me. It is so wiggly, he cannot hide his delight at such simple things. Even after more than six years, it makes me smile, every time.

2) Red Wine. Whatever the grape, if it is red, I like it. Unlike most people, I adore that ‘fuzzy’ feeling, after the first big glass on an empty stomach. Red wine makes me mellow, bad for me or not.

3) A great film. When I watch a really good film, it gives me a feeling of great satisfaction inside. I buy into the emotion, appreciate the acting, and revel in a story well-told. I love good films.

4) In the same vein, I adore a good TV drama. Whether a BBC classic, or a compelling Nordic Noir, I look forward to the next episode, going over the plot in my mind, before it comes on.

5) Doughnuts. In my mind, there is no such thing as a ‘bad’ doughnut. Just some that are better than others. Eating doughnuts, which I know are bad for me, is a sensory delight, in every way.

6) The seaside. I love being at the beach. Even though I cannot swim, I feel at one with the beach and the sea. I even like the tacky English resorts, and put away my snobbery when it comes to a well-managed pier, and traditional seaside delights.

7) Castles, and old architecture. I like nothing more than to explore an old castle, Roman site, or ancient building. The history seeps into me, and I can sense the footsteps of those who walked there, in former times. I soak up the heritage, and admire the placing, and construction.

8) Taking a good photo. When I take a photo I am pleased with, it does make me feel very happy. It doesn’t have to be an award-winning composition, just something that caught the mood of how I felt at the time. Then if other people also enjoy it, that’s just icing on the cake.

9) Those perfect days. You know the ones. Not too hot, nor remotely cold. Blue skies, dry ground, freshness in the air, and a spring in my step. Keen to explore, and wishing every day could be just like this one. We have all been there, and all have our ‘just right’ days.

10) Writing something good. After years of trying, you write something that strikes a chord, hits the mood, and resonates with many people. Many like it, some rave about it, and it even gets published. You are left thinking, “It was all worth it”.

So here are ten things that prove I am not always a grump. Over to you, for your happy things.