Sunday Musings In A Sunny January

‘Sunny January’ continues unabated in Beetley. Unusually bright weather for the time of year, accompanied by frosty mornings, and foggy evenings. The sun is so low in the sky, and so unbelievably bright, we have to keep the curtains closed until it moves around after midday.
Not complaining, as it hasn’t rained for days!


Ollie’s recent trip to the Vet seems to have kick-started some recovery. Going back on the steroids and ear drops has stopped him shaking his head, and his fur is starting to regrow, albeit far too slowly for my liking.


Julie has been ‘decluttering’ with a vengeance. Seven bags of ‘stuff’ taken to the charity shops last week, and six more to go in the car to be dropped off next week. Most of it was clothes that no longer fit her, as she has lost weight with a change of Diabetes medication. Much of ‘the stuff’ was brand new with tags, so never worn.
There’s a lesson there, somewhere.


After shifting some storage boxes that have remained untouched in the main bedroom, we were horrified to discover that tiny carpet beetle larvae have eaten away large areas of the bedroom carpet. Okay, so it is very old, (long before we moved in, probably laid in the 1990s) and is the only flooring we haven’t changed since we moved into the house. But now we have to face spraying the area, to stop the larvae spreading onto the good carpet in other rooms. Then we will have to replace the carpet as soon as is practical to do so.
It never ends.


Cutrently, it seems that our Prime Minister may well survive the recent scandals around his leadership. Conversely, I actually think that might be a good thing, as it will give him time to act the clown and upset the electorate even more before the next general election. If someone who knows what they are doing succeeds him now, I might well be stuck with a repulsive right-wing government until my dying day.


Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone. The sun is still shining in Beetley!
(A bit, through this morning’s cloud.)
