Blogger’s Books: Kevin Morris

I am happy to announce a new book by poet, writer, and blogger, Kevin Morris. Something to help raise a smile, which we can all do with these days.

Kevin has sent me some sample verses.

There Once Was a Policeman Named Warner

There once was a policeman named Warner
Who raided a rather famous old sauna.
He found Miss Hocking
Without shoe or stocking.
And a politician discussing politics with Lorna…

When a Philosophical Young Lady Named Gwen

When a philosophical young lady named Gwen
Climbed to the top of Big Ben
And a policeman called Lyme
Said, “tell me the time”,
“Time has no real existence”, said Gwen!


There was an old man named Long
Who wept as he sang his swansong.
They took off their hats
And whacked him with bats.
And so ended that swansong of long!

Here are some links to Kevin’s writing, and also links to buy this latest book. (Kindle for the UK). (Kindle for customers). (paperback for UK customers).

(paperback for customers). (author’s blog) (Twitter) (Tiktok)

Guest Post: Kevin Morris

I am very pleased to present a guest post from writer, poet, and fellow blogger, Kevin Morris.

It is one of his poems from his collection, ‘More Poetic Meanderings’.

How Sweet and Sad Was the Bird

How sweet and sad was the bird
I heard
As I stood at my open window.

When I go
To the pub to meet my friends,
We will pretend
That there is no end;
Or at least hide for a while
In the smile
Produced by drink,
Which makes men think
That all
This will last.

But I shall recollect the bird’s call
As I stood at my open window
And know
That all
That sings must pass.

Taken from “More Poetic Meanderings” by K Morris. Available from
Amazon in Kindle and paperback here.



Please use the links to discover more about Kevin, and to buy the book if you wish to do so.

Guest Post: Kevin Morris

I am very pleased to host a guest post from Kevin. He has a new book of poetry coming out, and has included one of the poems in his post.

The Last Day of August

The final day of August
Brings Autumn’s coming chill.
Perhaps this is the last
Of Summer’s new-mown grass.
The eternal breeze
Rustles the leaves
And my once brown hair.

(The above poem is taken from my forthcoming collection, Leaving and
Other Poems, which will be available from Amazon in late January/early
February 2022. My Selected Poems is available in paperback and Kindle
from Amazon and can be accessed here,



You can find out about Kevin’s forthcoming book and read more of his work by following the links above.

Guest Post: The Hungry Hound

I am delighted to feature blogger, poet, and published writer, Kevin Morris. You can read more of Kevin’s blog by following that link.

The Hungry Hound

I am Trigger.
My Stomach is bigger
Than you think.
Your lunch will be gone in the blink
Of an eye.
Then away I fly.
Should you ask, “who stole my lunch?” I reply,
“Not I”
But, dear reader, I lie …!
I have been known to eat plastic.
My reach is elastic.
You think your food safe?
My friend brace
Yourself for a shock
For I will gobble the lot!
Be it ever so hot!

(The above poem was dedicated to my guide dog Trigger, who sadly died
in 2020, but lives on in my heart).

Kevin’s published poems are available online from Amazon.

He is also featured in an anthology, details from this link.