Guest Post: Kevin Morris

I am very pleased to present a guest post from writer, poet, and fellow blogger, Kevin Morris.

It is one of his poems from his collection, ‘More Poetic Meanderings’.

How Sweet and Sad Was the Bird

How sweet and sad was the bird
I heard
As I stood at my open window.

When I go
To the pub to meet my friends,
We will pretend
That there is no end;
Or at least hide for a while
In the smile
Produced by drink,
Which makes men think
That all
This will last.

But I shall recollect the bird’s call
As I stood at my open window
And know
That all
That sings must pass.

Taken from “More Poetic Meanderings” by K Morris. Available from
Amazon in Kindle and paperback here.



Please use the links to discover more about Kevin, and to buy the book if you wish to do so.

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