The Last Sunday Musings For January

It has been an eventful week.


One of my twin step-daughters was recently diagnosed with gall-bladder stones, and told she would need surgery soon. Then last Sunday she had a crisis, and had to be taken into hospital. After many tests, she was informed that there would be an operation in the week commencing the 29th, and sent home with strong pain relief. As she has two small children, everyone had to rally round to help. Julie did a lot of driving back and forth either to the hospital or to her daughter’s house to look after the children while their dad was working. Her twin sister took time off work to help too. Then two days ago she developed Jaundice, and was admitted to hospital pending surgery next week. To say things have been hectic would be an understatement.


Because of Ollie’s condition and not wanting to leave him alone in the house for too long, I have not been involved in the trips to the hospital or over to the house in Attleborough. So I have managed to keep Ollie’s routine unchanged for now. He is still eating, and still managing his walks quite happily. But I am taking it one day at a time, as he continues to lose weight despite eating everything he is given.


Weather-wise, we lost the cold snap and the two storms by Thursday. Daytimes have been unusually warm, and there has been no frost at all overnight.
No complaints about that from me!


I hope that you are having a happy Sunday, wherever you are spending it.


April Musings On A Sunday

It has been a quiet week. Other than taking Ollie to the Vet, which I already wrote about on the blog, nothing much has happened. I am continuing with his ear-ash treatment, but it is hard to tell if there is much improvement so far.


I got my first insect bite of the season yesterday. Despite taking the Vitamin B tablets to ward off any biters, something was able to get my right instep even though I was wearing socks and trousers. I suspect it was in the woodland area, where some strong sunshine had woken up a large number of small flying insects.


There has been a gradual improvement in the weather, but it has still been cold until midday. Since last October when we put the heating on, it has felt like an extra-long winter.


Julie took her grandchildren to a Farm-based adventure park yesterday, then stopped over at her daughter’s. Ollie and I had a longer walk, followed by me doing some housework. He has never got used to the vacuum cleaner, and always runs away when it gets close. But he is so determined to stick close to me at all times, he makes himself suffer by always being so close to the machine. I wish he would just not bother so much about it, but I think most dogs hate them. With their acute hearing, it must sound like a jet plane has started up.


I hope you have a pleasant Sunday, and some nice weather.
