Blogger’s Books: Cheryl Oreglia

I am delighted to announce that the lovely American blogger, Cheryl Oreglia, has published her first book! You can read Cheryl’s blog by following this link.

Here she is.

And here is her book.

Grow Damn It! is a captivating work by Cheryl Oreglia, who uses uncommon honesty and arresting humor to draw you into her cantankerous life, forty-year marriage, and revolving empty nest. She claims the space between past and future is where our potential is created or destroyed.

If you don’t like where your life is going, dig deeper, and write a new story. By weeding out the things that clutter her life, she invites you into a refreshing space with some of her most popular posts from her beloved blog Living in the Gap.

She surrounds herself with a gaggle of intriguing friends, along with a large and rambunctious family who challenge both her and the reader to live fully in an ever-changing world. Her provocative writing dares us to confront our lives not only with optimism, but courage, and uproarious laughter. Oreglia uses her experience to explore what matters most in life… the degree to which we love and are loved.

The book is available in paperback and Kindle versions, and free on KU in Britain. Here are some buying links.

UK sales.

Please show Cheryl some support and encouragement by reading her post about this new book.

Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened

And if you think this is your kind of book, please buy a copy too! I just bought my Kindle version. 🙂

Don’t Sign!

A warning from Stevie, based on her own experience!

Stevie Turner

This is a scheduled post and I will answer any comments tomorrow.

Recently I read a blog from a self-published author who was thrilled to bits to gain a publishing deal. She had signed the rights to her book over to the publisher, and of course now looked forward to the royalties from many future sales.

However, I’ve been on a steep learning curve over the past 8 years regarding the integrity of small publishers. In order to satisfy my own curiosity I went on to Google and typed in ‘Writer Beware‘ and the name of the lady’s publisher. As I suspected, there were many complaints about this particular publisher regarding the amount of ‘set up fees’ needed and the lack of any royalties.

I’m sure most of us have been taken in by small publishers at one time or another at the beginning of our writing careers…

View original post 347 more words

Mythaxis Magazine: Spring Edition


The print edition of Mythaxis Review Magazine will be available to buy from Amazon in the next few days.

As you can see from the cover, it contains reviews from me, so think of this as blatant self-promotion!

I confess that seeing my name on the cover of any publication does make me feel very good, and makes all my hard work trying to write worthwhile.

By choice, I don’t make any money from doing this, but would of course be immensely pleased if anyone decided to buy a copy.

More online publication

Further to my non-fiction articles being published by Mythaxis online magazine yesterday, they have also decided to publish two of my book reviews, and two film reviews too.

Here are some links to those reviews.



Many of you will have read these before, but I would be very grateful if you could take time to click on the links, and leave a ‘Like’.
There are lots of other good reviews there too. You might enjoy them.

Published Online

I am pleased to announce (okay, boast) that three of my non-fiction articles have been published online, in Mythaxis Magazine.

Many of you will have read these before, whether something similar on my blog, or when they were published elsewhere.

But I would really appreciate you taking time to click each line, and leave a ‘Like’ for me.
Of course, if they are new to you, then please read them too!

While you are there, you can have a look and see what else Mythaxis has to offer.

Here are the links.

Get Published In 2019!

Daniel White is looking for stories to publish in two of his magazines,

If you have ever thought that your unusual and quirky short story should be worth consideration, then now’s the time to try. Or if you write about fantasy, other worlds, or mystical weirdness, then this is a chance for you too.

Please follow these links, to submit your stories. It’s free to do, and if you are successful, you will even get paid.

By Daniel Scott White. January 1, 2019
This magazine is about fiction that isn’t fit for ‘them’. What do I mean by ‘them’? Who in particular are ‘they’? They are the government. They are your parents. They are your teachers. They are everywhere.

By Daniel Scott White. January 1, 2019
This magazine is about fiction that isn’t made for this world. Unreal Magazine is looking for stories about fantasy, magic, and portals to other worlds at this indefinite point in time.

It’s January the first, so there’s never a better time to get started on getting published. Good luck!

My Article In Print (Again)

I am once again delighted to have had an article published in the latest edition of Longshot Island magazine. As you can see from the cover, the theme this time is ‘Humour’, and there are some delightful illustrations to accompany the stories and features inside.

You will notice that I am credited as the ‘Style’ contributor, and this irony is intentional, I assure you. My own article this time is a re-working of ‘My New Fluffy Gown’, which some of you will remember from this blog.

I sincerely apologise for the shameless self-promotion, but I am obviously very pleased to be in print once more. Please check out the magazine online, and if you like it, buy a copy! (I don’t get royalties) You may also want to consider submitting your own story or feature for possible publication, and links follow.

The photos can both be enlarged for detail. Sorry the second one is a bit wonky!

Blogger’s Books: Shoniessky

Today I am pleased to feature a book from American blogger, Sharnique Middleton, who blogs on WordPress as ‘Shonies’ Sky’. She is a relatively new follower of my blog, and has quickly become a regular reader, with engagement on posts.

This is what she has to say about herself.
“I am an established writer and poet who loves to just speak from the heart and experiences. I would love for you to take a look at my book and share it.”

The book title is ‘The First Cut Is The Deepest’, and this the synopsis.

“This is not a love story, it is a bittersweet story of love.

Or at least, this is a story of what happens when you fall in love with someone who cannot feel love, someone who uses you and abuses you.

This is the story of a love so possessive and so strong and so deep, you can feel the pain on every page. This love hurts, and yet you long for the pain.

This is the story of a love that is destructive to its very core. A love that tears you apart.

A story of a love that is killing you softly, and yet you somehow refuse to die.

A story of a love that makes you look deep within yourself to discover a strength and a courage you never knew you had – the strength to survive, the determination to find a light in the darkness.

This is a story of a love that is almost poisonous in its intensity, almost brutal in its tenderness.

“The first cut is the deepest” goes the song, but this story shows that after that first deep cut, there are a thousand more cuts, each one deeper than the last.

Read it and weep.

Here is a buying link, if you are interested.

Please help her out with this new book, by sharing this post, or the one on her blog. And perhaps visit her own site too, to welcome her into our great blogging community.

In print, again!

I am very pleased to announce that I have once again had an article accepted for publication in the latest edition of Longshot Island magazine. It is a non-fiction piece about architecture, and is on page fifty. As well as that, the new edition features some outstanding short stories, and offers so much more, including great value classified advertising for your latest book, website, or services.

The magazine is available as a print copy, or a download. Anyone interested can also get a $1 discount on the price via this blog, using the code 1$FORYOU If you would like to know more about this magazine, perhaps even send one of your own submissions for consideration, please follow the links below.

Best wishes to all, Pete.

My article in print

I submitted my old post ‘Socks’ to Longshot Island, and I am pleased to be able to tell you that it is now in ‘New Directions’, the fifth edition of their printed magazine. Here is a link to Blurb, where you can buy the magazine, if you wish.
Hilariously, it is credited under ‘Fashion’! 🙂 We both got the joke.

You will notice that ‘New Directions’ features art by my blogging friend, Jane Lee McCracken. More of her captivating work can be found here.

If you have ever thought about creating your own book or magazine, you can get a discount from Blurb via this link.

Fancy submitting your own story for consideration? Follow this link to Longshot Island, and press Submit, in the top right-hand corner.

And if you would like to read the original version of ‘Socks’ on my blog, here is a link to that.

Longshot Island offers a genuine opportunity for writers to get short stories, non-fiction articles, poems and other work published online, and sometimes in print too. It has no fees, and pays nothing for the work. However, you do get five free copies of the magazine to keep. Additionally, they offer very cheap classified advertising, where you can promote your latest book, service, or blog. Daniel is a very approachable man, and even if you are not successful the first time, you will get great feedback about anything you submit.

I recommend that you give it a try.