A Nicer Kind Of Dream: Spaniels

When my wife woke me up as she left for work this morning, I was in the middle of an intense and vivid dream.

In the past, I have written about my dreams on here. They are mostly pleasant, but sometimes have mysterious elements, or flashbacks to my past life in some way.

One dream I wrote about took me to a city in America, walking around a lake. It was a city I had never seen, in a country I have never visited, but the details I recalled were all uncannily accurate, according to many who responded in the comments.

My trip to Madison

In 2019, I had a dream about Chinese noodles, of all things.

The Noodle Dream

Then earlier this year, I wrote about a more disturbing dream, involving being on the edge of a cliff.

A Very Strange Dream

The dream I woke from this morning was still quite strange, but overwhelmingly happy. I was walking in a European city, definitely not England, as I could tell from the architecture, cobbled streets, and tram lines in the streets. It had been raining, and was probably early evening. There were no other people around, and I seemed to know where I was going.

And I was carrying two tiny black and white Spaniel pups. They were up close to my neck, and I could feel the warmth of their bodies, and the softness of their floppy ears. They couldn’t have been more than twelve weeks old, and seemed to be accustomed to me carrying them around.

I walked past a large fountain at the centre of the junction of four major roads. It had a statue in the centre from which four jets of water were gently flowing, as if the pump inside had broken. Then I spotted the lights of an old-fashioned Art-Deco style cinema ahead, and the name ‘KINO’ in large red neon. As I got closer, I could see it was showing the film ‘The Third Man’, a big favourite of mine. The poster had the name ‘Der Dritte Mann’, and I knew what that was, though I don’t speak German. I went inside, still carrying the Spaniels, and a lady looked at me from behind the cash desk.

Shaking her head, she pointed at the dogs and said, “Kein eintritt mit hunden”. I nodded, understanding what she said, and walked back out into the street.

That’s when I woke up, remembering every detail of the dream, even the feel of the cobbles under my shoes. So I know I was somewhere in a German-speaking country, and where the architecture is distinctly European. I could read and understand German, and I felt as if the Spaniels were still resting on my neck. I have no explanation for this vivid dream.

But when my eyes opened, I felt happy.