Sunday Musings on The 5th of February

The shortest month is here. Even only three days fewer than January still seems to make it fly by much faster.


I am taking a break from posting Serial Fiction for a while, so you may notice less posts overall from me this month.


Most of you will have read that my car broke down on Friday, and now rests in the local dealership awaiting parts next week. I wish I could be more confident that they will arrive on time, but the head-shaking of the service manager gave me the opposite indication. I have had to cancel Ollie’s check-up visit at the Vet next week, as Julie’s car is not suitable to get Ollie into except in an emergency. I am still applying the ear gel though, and it does appear to be helping him a lot.


At least the weather has been kind. Much warmer, up to 12C, no rain, and the Spring flowers are appearing over on Beetley Meadows. Yesterday I saw Snowdrops, Crocuses, and even some small Daffodils.


Our little granddaughter is three years old today. Yesterday evening we had a family meal in a nice restaurant, and twelve of us celebrated her big day. She loved her birthday balloon and all of her presents, and was delighted when we sang Happy Birthday to her.


Whatever you are doing today, I hope it makes you happy.


A sight of Spring


The photos look much better if you enlarge them.

After heavy rain and gales all night, it was nice to wake up to bright sunshine today. The TV news informed me of more bad weather to come over the weekend, so I decided to take the camera on Ollie’s walk today. I was rewarded with some encouraging sights of Spring, so decided to share them with you.

Ollie got in on the act too!

On the verge close to the main road, the snowdrops are still multiplying.

I have no idea who planted all these bulbs around Beetley Meadows, but they do provide a colourful display at this time of year.

Despite a cold wind, and lots of lingering mud, it was an enjoyable walk in the afternoon sun.

Staying positive, in 2017.