Sunday Musings on The 5th of February

The shortest month is here. Even only three days fewer than January still seems to make it fly by much faster.


I am taking a break from posting Serial Fiction for a while, so you may notice less posts overall from me this month.


Most of you will have read that my car broke down on Friday, and now rests in the local dealership awaiting parts next week. I wish I could be more confident that they will arrive on time, but the head-shaking of the service manager gave me the opposite indication. I have had to cancel Ollie’s check-up visit at the Vet next week, as Julie’s car is not suitable to get Ollie into except in an emergency. I am still applying the ear gel though, and it does appear to be helping him a lot.


At least the weather has been kind. Much warmer, up to 12C, no rain, and the Spring flowers are appearing over on Beetley Meadows. Yesterday I saw Snowdrops, Crocuses, and even some small Daffodils.


Our little granddaughter is three years old today. Yesterday evening we had a family meal in a nice restaurant, and twelve of us celebrated her big day. She loved her birthday balloon and all of her presents, and was delighted when we sang Happy Birthday to her.


Whatever you are doing today, I hope it makes you happy.


66 thoughts on “Sunday Musings on The 5th of February

  1. A selfish thank you for taking a serial break. I love your serials, but I’m swamped with school and trying to catch up. Fingers crossed on the car. Happy Birthday to your three-year-old granddaughter! Next Christmas, Magna Tiles!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Fingers crossed on the car’s situation, and I hope Ollie keeps improving even if he doesn’t get to the vet as soon as he was going to. And happy birthday to the little one! Thanks, Pete and happy new week!

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  3. I won’t, at the risk of death, mention the age but today, the 5th, is also my wife’s birthday. Sad to hear about the car but I can empathize. What was a “three days at the most” fix ran to over two weeks back in ’20 this time of year. “Waiting on parts.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We are still in a deluge of rain here in California! I will never complain because we need it after a very long drought. I too am seeing signs of spring and it makes me smile! Happy birthday to your sweet granddaughter. Three year olds are just precious. So much of life ahead. Here’s to the spring Pete, hugs, C

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  5. Ahhhhh children and balloons it sounds like your little grandaughter loved her birthday treat and sunshine…I hope your parts arrive quickly, Pete you have not had much luck between the heating and now the car 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. (1) I’d like to celebrate another day off from February. I’d call it the Feb Four.
    (2) If you’re taking a break from serials, I think you still have some story prompts to consider.
    (3) The rear bumper on Julie’s car. A long rope. Two pairs of roller skates. Goggles and a scarf. Ollie. Off to the vet!
    (4) No rain, but Snowdrops on a warm day. Hmm!
    (5) Family meals are nice…unless you’re in Papua New Guinea.
    (6) I’ll probably write a page of fiction, unless my brain creates friction.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Bless, how lovely that you could all be together to celebrate your granddaughter’s third birthday together – precious times! Yes, the lovely weather is a boon and today saw the first of the snowdrops during a visit to the Norman Castle at Castle Hedingham! Hope you car woes sort, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t been to that castle, and it is only 65 miles from Beetley. That will be a day out for us one day, as long as dogs are allowed in the grounds.
      Thanks for your kind words, Annika.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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      1. Dogs are allowed on the grounds but not too sure about inside the keep. By the time we came for lunch there was only cake and chocolate left – well, we had to suffer that!! 😀😀 Enjoy if you ever make the trip there – if you want we could meet you there as this is local to us!

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        1. Dogs are never allowed inside anywhere, we are used to that. The grounds will be fine, and I can take photos from there. When we make the trip, I will let you know, but it will probably be on a weekday. 🙂

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    1. London weather is usually similar to Norfolk, but we have had some great sunny days this week. Even the insects are waking up and flying around.
      (Sorry, but you are anonymous)
      Best wishes, Pete.


  8. You have so many pretty Spring flowers over there. I think those are my favourites. I always think they look so brave and cheerful. We have daffodils and tulips but not yet. Winter seems to start later each year and then drag. I believe we had snow in May last year. I do hope your car can be fixed soon. A hug for Ollie (or whatever he prefers as good wishes!)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Three is an important birthday as it is the one they have been prepped for err at least three years. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter. My Palisade sat in the dealership waiting for parts at lest for 6 weeks last year. Good Luck Warmest regards Ed

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  10. You have nice weather, but no car. I have a car, but it’s like a monsoon outside. I had planned some shopping today, but you know that old saying, ‘The best laid plans ….’

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    1. It was only around a restaurant table, and she was very well-behaved. They are having a more traditional party with the son-in-law’s family today, as they couldn’t attend last night.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I wish that your car can be repaired quickly.
    Yesterday we had wonderful weather here, I also noticed the first snowdrops and winterlings. It’s so nice when spring starts so slowly.
    I wish you a nice Sunday too.

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  12. Thank you for your good wishes, Pete, and the same to you. It has been a tad milder up here, as well, which is very welcome; I haven’t had chance to walk where I might see spring flowers for a little while, but I look forward to seeing them. You granddaughter is nearly the same age as mine, and I always enjoy my time with her & her parents. Cheers, Jon.

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  13. Happy birthday to your granddaughter….hopefully the car will be back on the road soon….Spring is always a good time….the flowers and the birth of a new year….have a great day my friend chuq

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  14. Yeah we’re a 12th of the way or 8% through the year. Tell your granddaughter its 323 more sleeps till santa. All the floods up north but down here its up to 35 degrees, humdity 20% & i can’t sleep.

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