A Reblog Phenomenon

Last November, I reblogged this post.

Day Brightener – “Who Is Shaking The Jar”

Checking my stats sometime later in December, I was surprised to discover it had well over 1,000 views before Christmas.

Since then, it has been getting around 20-40 views most days, and is usually the ‘Most viewed’ post on my blog every week. Total views since November 2022 now stand in excess of 3,600 as of today.

And I have no idea why.

43 thoughts on “A Reblog Phenomenon

  1. I have a similar phenomenon, not with a re-blog but with one of my own posts from 2017. From the statistics provided by WordPress, I know the referrals come mainly from Google, but why Google has chosen to push this particular post remains a mystery.

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  2. It’s an interesting phenomenon, isn’t it? I shared a story about the horse’s head in “The Godfather” being real. A “REDDIT” page called “TIL Things I Learned” linked to it for reasons I never discovered – and it got tens of thousands of hits…this funny world of social media, huh?

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  3. I have noticed over the past couple of weeks that I have been getting hundreds of spam comments on my travel blog as well as hundreds in the trash folder – each day! In fact I have sat and watched them come in, dozens by the second. Thankfully Akismet must have altered their algorithm because they have been reduced to the usual trickle now. I wonder if it is something similar that reflects bots visiting a site as views?

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          1. Go to your Media Library, select the media file and click on Edit. You’ll find a “Discussion” box similar to to the one in the text editor for posts, and you can disable comments there. If you can’t see a discussion option, then click on the screen options at the top of the screen and select it.

            In ‘My Home’ settings, media, discussion you can disable comments in a carousel.

            I still use Classic editor so I am not sure if this is the same if you have switched to the Block Editor.

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