And So It Begins…

This is another moan from me about messing around with the time by putting the clocks back and forward.

This is 2022. Farmers have headlights on their vehicles, and computer-guided ploughing.

Kids in most areas get taken to school by car, or go on a school bus or coach. In cities where they still walk to school, there are street lights. In country districts where they still walk to school there are presumably parents to escort them, if they are young enough to be in any danger.

What is the point of this archaic practice? No doubt you will tell me, and no doubt I will disagree.

Last night in Beetley, it was pitch dark by 5:10 pm. That makes the night feel longer than it needs to be, and affects people (like me) with SAD.

My dog Ollie will take a while to adjust. He wanted to go out for his walk at 10:45 am, and nagged for his dinner before 1pm.

I felt as if I wanted to eat my own dinner before 6pm, and I was ready to go to bed just after 9:45 pm.

Stop it, you powers that be. Let’s get into the 21st century. We no longer live in the nineteenth.

We have electric lights, not candles.

Victoria is no longer the Queen. She has been dead since 1901.

Farmers are selling off land for house-building and solar panels. We import much of our food as a consequence.

Animals live in barns or sheds, in the main. They have lighting, warmth, and are fed and milked by machines.

Get a grip, and realise it is completely unnecessary.