Late summer lethargy

As the shortest summer I can ever remember draws to a close, I am beginning to anticipate our short holiday in Kent, in early September. The change of scene, and the time spent together, will make for a welcome break from routine. Despite many dry days recently, and a return of the warmer weather we enjoyed in late May, it has been a summer that passed without notice. Heavy rain throughout July lost us one of the months, and most of June wasn’t that memorable either. So far, August has been marked by a lot of grey, heavy sky, uncomfortably warm nights, and the constant threat of rain that rarely appears.

Since being laid low recently by the virus of some kind, I have not really got back on my feet, or returned to the form before the short period of feeling unwell. I am still tired after a good sleep overnight, and I feel as if I have no energy at all. Routine jobs have become a bind, and even Ollie’s walks have been tiresome, and less paced, with me seeking out benches to sit on more than I ever did before. As a result, those jobs inside and outside the house have started to pile up. Despite resolving daily to do this, or tackle that, nothing is getting done. Getting up earlier to allow more time to do them hasn’t helped at all. I have simply felt tired for longer. Even the prospect of my few hours at the windmill on Friday seems like a daunting task, instead of a pleasant morning out.

The hedges are overdue a cut. Growing fast after the rain, they appear unkempt and shabby. The back patio needs weeding, as the small green shoots have now grown into fully-formed plants between the gaps in the slabs. Garden furniture needs sanding and staining, ready for the coming change in the seasons, and the grass has suddenly popped up again, with the lawn resembling a wild meadow. In nine days time, we have visitors from my family. I am not about to present them with their first sight of our house in this condition, so I going to have to seriously raise my game, starting this weekend. Perhaps once I get started, I might rediscover some of the lost energy. I can only hope so.

It is a shame that I am not a famous artist, or bohemian writer. If I was, I could retire to a chaise longue, and place the back of my hand against my forehead, as I gaze listlessly through the window.

Then others would say it was ‘ennui.’

19 thoughts on “Late summer lethargy

  1. Odd that you contemplate saying goodbye to the summer, it feels as though it is an age away from us as we bask in the sunshine and high temperatures, long may it continue.
    Ennui, I always thought that was the next person in line!
    Take it easy Pete, no need to rush, as I keep telling Gosia as she asks me when the house will be finished 🙂


  2. I’m never happy with the thought of someone pushing themselves after a virus. Too much bitter experience. One doesn’t need to be a famous artist to be forced (and I use the word advisedly) to retire to a chaise longue (or modern equivalent). Believe me. I know. At the end of the day, your visitors are coming to see you, not the house. That being so, I would suggest that they’d rather a scruffy house with a happy and healthy owner than an immaculate house with a zombie owner.

    That said, the idea of eating an elephant one bite at a time has a certain merit. Half an hour here and there is far less likely to exhaust you than applying yourself to it with the ‘I’ve started so I’ll finish’ kind of attitude that has so often been my undoing. Always looking to save energy, I tried Laura’s boiling water technique on some weeds on our patio. Much less trouble than scratching and scraping away and them and at least as effective, so far…


    1. Thanks, Ros. I am planning to go with Laura’s water and vinegar tip too!
      I will take everyone’s advice on board. You have all been so kind, as usual.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  3. Pete, I surely know the feeling of just not feeling up to par… All of your other friends are right in saying hire someone, and give your body time to regain to 100%. Each year for me it seems to take longer to recoup from this or that and pushing myself only makes the aches or ills, make a speedy return. Heck, if I were closer I’d be gathering up your able neighbors for a BBQ, after they did a few chores each.. Take care of yourself, and enjoy your upcoming holiday



  4. Pete, surely there are a few young teenagers in the area who would be glad to help out for little pay, a cherry pie, and a pat on the back. if you try to spruce up the house and yard for your visitors in a short period of time, you’re going overextend yourself and suffer for it.

    I’m looking forward to summer’s end, as the blazing summers are quite long here in the Mojave Desert. We haven’t had any significant rainfall this year. Accumulated precipitation so far in 2015: 2.34 inches (5.94 cm). As for the so-called summer monsoon season, it’s been really stingy this year. We haven’t had a trace of precipitation now for 36 days. The highest temperatures so far this summer have been in June, not July as is usually the case. So far, August has been quite bearable. However, the forecast for this weekend is for the mercury to rise to 110 F (43 C), so a touch of June nostalgia is coming our way.

    Somewhere between Beetley and Las Vegas there is a happy medium in terms of weather. Perhaps our only option is to pack our bags for San Diego, where the weather is perfect. As for an excuse to neglect chores around the house, I propose two options based on your own suggestions: (1) Buy yourself an Etch a Sketch and call yourself an artist, and (2) Let your imagination slip into the underbelly of a major European city in order to dig up fodder for a bohemian writer’s blog.


    1. I like both those suggestions, David.
      I thought of employing my dog-walking friend’s son to do the ‘donkey work’. He is the only one around here old enough, and strong enough. (He is 18) I asked his Mum, but she told me that he has just got a summer/college hours job at McDonald’s. I will make a start, and see how I get on. Who knows? It might rejuvenate me!
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. News Flash: A few raindrops are falling outside! Lord Mojave must have loosened his grip on a passing cloud. We’ve been blessed—even if this only lasts a few minutes, which is likely.

        I hope you do find rejuvenation in your work around the property. Attitude and determination can go a long way, even when the body is loath to cooperate.


  5. Perhaps you need to hire a ‘man who can’ Pete. It sounds as though you have not completely recovered from that virus and the holiday will be more than welcome. Grey skies again here…


      1. Pete, you can justify the cost if you aren’t well….fail to recognise that, and you might get a tad worse…treat yourself until your restorative holiday…..


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