The neglected bench


This bench is at the far end of Hoe Common, so ideally suited for a rest, after walking that far. It has a view across to Beetley, but in some respects, the bench is more interesting than the view.
(The photos are both large files, and can be clicked on, to enlarge them.)

It has obviously been around a while. It has no dedication, and I have no idea who placed it there, or why. When you sit against the backrest, your feet can only just touch the ground. The area nearby is not maintained, and nettles and grasses flourish under and around it. It is the only bench in that place, and the only bench for a long way off. It is made of wood, and they didn’t bother to trim it neatly, or to polish and prepare it.

This is a natural bench, surrounded by nature. For that reason, I think it is far superior to many other benches in this area, which are made of resin, or resemble traditional park benches. It is by far my favourite bench, and has provided me with much-needed rest in the rare hot summers we have experienced, since moving here. I have never seen anyone else sitting on it, but I always make sure to take a seat there, at least for a while.

I like to think that the bench appreciates my dalliance, and sees some sense in its purpose.

Ollie stood by it today. He allowed me a rare photo opportunity. Perhaps he instinctively knows.


24 thoughts on “The neglected bench

  1. Loving the bench! On closer inspection it looks like some kind of carving in the centre, a flower perhaps and maybe a date 000 maybe 2000? Or it could just be dirt on my glasses, or two many glasses!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m guessing oak leaves and acorns in the carving. I can see the 000, so it is probably 2000. It’s hardly likely to be 1000, after all. (Be nice if it had been though…) It has certainly not aged well, if it has only been there for sixteen years.
      Cheers mate. Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well Pete, you know my love of benches 🙂 This is definitely a natural bench, though it is surrounded by a LOT of nettles – and you in your shorts too… better be careful 😀


    1. I was careful, Jude. Fortunately, there are no nettles in the area where your legs naturally fall.
      I am pleased that you liked it, as I was thinking of your benches as I took the photo. x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Handsome Ollie! Your second photo tells a story of its own. I love taking shots of something like this. Have my own bench story in one of my earlier posts.


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