My holiday: The delay

I would like to have put up some posts about my trip to The Lakes by now, but it was not to be. I logged on to my computer on Sunday to find 470 unanswered emails, 90% of them to do with my blog, or blogs I follow. I am not complaining, believe me, but it has taken the better part of two days to sort them out; to reply, comment, and thank those who emailed me. As well as the 17 new followers, who I really do appreciate.

As I write this post, I still have ten emails unanswered, with more popping up every few minutes. I have really tried my best to comment on everyone’s posts, or just to add a like, where appropriate. In the meantime, I have been deleting unwanted photos from my trip, and sorting others into the appropriate days, or scenes.

I already have notes from the holiday, and will endeavour to do each day justice, even if the photos eat into my wordpress allowance. This was something unusual, something special, and it deserves my full attention. The photos are simple tourist shots, unaltered, and straight from the camera. Some are not great, admittedly. Others are more than acceptable. They are what they are, given the prevailing conditions, and I will be happy to stand by them.

It has taken me all this time to recover from all the walking, the hill climbing, the early starts, and the unaccustomed gradients, Despite that, I am looking forward to many forthcoming posts, with photos celebrating the wonderful part of the UK called The Lake District. Just bear with me…

22 thoughts on “My holiday: The delay

    1. I have put a few up already. Scroll down the recent posts, and you will be able to see them. Many more to come too!
      (I have your articles saved, to read properly now I am back from the trip.)
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I have had some of the happiest times of my life, both working and holidaying, in the Lake District. We are so lucky to have such an edifying area of natural beauty in this country. Not that I’m a serious walker – I just walk very fast to something I like. I recommend the stunning waterfalls of the Yorkshire Dales, too. Meanwhile, I’m agog for your first installment…Hope you and Ollie aren’t finding Norfolk too flat, now.


    1. I am enjoying the flat for the time being, Pippa. I really enjoyed the trip, but I don’t think I could live there all the time. Too hilly, too much snow in the winter, and some challenging roads. However, I could probably manage Keswick. It has a delightful cinema with a Film Club, all the shops and eateries I could ever need, as well as Derwent Water, and the Lakeside Theatre.
      Just as long as I didn’t have to keep walking up those hills…
      My first two posts about the trip are now up. Many more to follow.
      As always, Pete. xx


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