The Lakes: Pete and Ollie

All photos are large files, and can be clicked on for detail.

Antony has kindly sent some of the many photos he took of myself and Ollie. I know that most of you love to see Ollie, so I have overcome the embarrassment of seeing myself looking worn out, to show you a selection.

Head down, determined to get to the top.

We made it to the gate!

A well-earned rest.

I hope that you enjoy these extra photos. I am sure that you will agree that Antony excelled himself with these.

51 thoughts on “The Lakes: Pete and Ollie

    1. Some of the hills are hard work. I was 64 at the time, and had to push myself. 🙂
      But you don’t have to walk up the hills to see the area. You can walk around the lakes on mostly flat ground, or take boat trips.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Reblogged this on beetleypete and commented:

    The last reblog of the 2016 trip to the Lake District. My friend Antony took these photos of me and Ollie as we got to the top of a long hike. You can see how tired I look! Reblogged for new followers, and please enlarge them on the original post for the best effect.


      1. Pete, Antony sure does take it to the next level, but yours was fabulous too.. I just hope that you get to frame that wonderful clear shot of Ollie for your wall or study area if you have one.. I picture a room full of movies and books along with a comfy chair … The minds images are wonderful too….


        1. You have the right idea, Laura. A small 8X8 room called (grandly) The Office. (It should be the third bedroom, but we use it for admin instead.) A very large desk, with the PC on it, and behind me, two large bookcases packed with DVD films, and some books too. The chair is a special ‘office type’, with lots of adjusters, and a mesh backrest. It wheels around easily too. We bought it second-hand from a person in Dereham. It was a real bargain, as we only paid £20, and it retails new for £149.
          No photos framed on show yet though. Maybe one day…
          Best wishes, Pete.

          Liked by 2 people

  2. Great, absolutely smahing photos!! That last one is a gem, I hope you have ordered the frame by now. 🙂 I like your outfit, we have to get something similar for our roadtrip in Scotland next year.
    Dina x


  3. The bonus scenes that the fans have been waiting for! Thank Antony for us. Does he know your shared Walks in the Lake District have been immortalized in a great tradition? xx


      1. Hey Pete – the photodeck site no longer exists (or something is wrong with the link). Just FYI. And your idea of “worn out” and mine are galaxies apart. I think you look dashing, relaxed and happy. It would seem that your new home suits you better than it seems that London did.
        (Madelyn Griffith-Haynie – ADDandSoMuchMORE dot com)
        ADD/EFD Coach Training Field founder; ADD Coaching co-founder
        “It takes a village to transform a world!”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks very much for such kind words, Madelyn. These photos were taken on a walking holiday in NW England. Antony has changed his website since, and I believe that the rest of this series is no longer on it. Living away from London has certainly improved my outlook on life, that’s for sure.
          I have removed the Photodeck links.
          Very best wishes, Pete.


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