Staying positive: More thoughts

As regular readers will be all-too aware, I have decided that 2017 will be my year for beginning to have a positive outlook on life. Attending the funeral of a friend and ex-colleague, yesterday, I refused to dwell on the fact that he was four years younger than me; that he would not be drawing the pension that he worked so hard for all of his life, and that he will not be joining us for meals in attractive country pubs anymore. Instead, I concentrated on the fact that he served for 36 years as a police officer in London, doing what he had always wanted to do. He loved his family, made many lifelong friends, and left this world behind with a legacy of a working life spent helping people, living on in fond memories.

The sun came out today, and despite a chilly breeze, I had an enjoyable walk with Ollie. I thought about buying that second camera again, and decided not to. There’s nothing wrong with the one I have got, and it is good enough for what I use it for. So, why spend the money? I will put that to better use, helping to fund a holiday abroad next year, for the first time in seven years.

I noted that my passport has also expired. That would usually send me into a flap, in case I needed it for some unexpected reason. But being positive, I soon realised that I was unlikely to need it until the summer of 2018, so plenty of time.

Starting today, I am receiving my State Pension. That’s a monthly increase of over 50% in my disposable income. That’s pretty positive, if you ask me. Jobs put off can now get done; cars sorted out properly, decorators employed, and the chance of a few more trips away in other parts of the UK to anticipate too.

In the grand scheme of things, it’s no big deal, I suppose. But even being positive about the small things in life can make you feel so much better. Why don’t you join in? I know it is still only March, but it has been very good so far.

Staying positive, in 2017.

51 thoughts on “Staying positive: More thoughts

    1. Indeed it does. I have to approach each day with a completely different attitude, and think about the small things a lot more that I ever did. I am rewarded so far, by being much less grumpy! x

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I agree and try to do the same-there is always hope, though it may be just a glimmer at times-I would rather look for something to be glad about than not-besides you often find what you look for. congratulations on the pension-enjoy!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m sorry I have no decent words to add to the well chosen ones of your post. I’m sorry about your friend, glad you’ll have some more needed cash and look forward to hearing about your trips. Life is very precious isn’t it? Best wishes Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post, Pete. I may have mentioned that I recently read a book by Paul Theroux where he travelled all of England only riding trains…he did it in the 80’s, and many of those small lines were at the time barely hanging on, but I loved the idea of traveling a country in a unique way like this…I love that you are planning trips, and we all look forward to hearing about those adventures…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Pete, as I read the book, written in the early 80’s, I thought: “how many of these exist?” Sad that the answer is probably not what I want to hear, but I loved that he did a unique take on travel – I hope you can plan many great adventures for 2017!


  4. Bravo to you, Pete! The glass-half-full sees all the beauty and wonder. Life will always have difficulty, it’s seeing all the rest that makes the difference. Sounds like you are on that road. My best to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I am really enjoying your positiveness this year Pete, and the comments with everyone else sharing their positive moments in their own lives. Leaves me with a smile. Though sorry of course that you had yet another funeral to attend; let’s hope that is the last of them for quite some time. Talking of Malta, unless you aim to hire a car (and be warned those drivers are crazy – worse than the Italians) then I’d suggest staying in Valetta where the bus terminus is so you can travel easily around the island and see everything in the city on foot. The Three Cities across the harbour are interesting to wander around as is Gozo.

    I expect posts from all your UK travels now šŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jude. It is a different me, being positive! We will probably be staying at the same hotel as the wedding venue, so will be restricted to wherever that is. I am told it is ‘fifteen minutes from Valetta’, but she doesn’t know the name of the town. (The groom’s Mum is my school-friend) It will be arranged later this year, and booked up on our behalf.
      If we manage to get to more UK destinations later this year, I will be adding posts of course. Trying to pass on that positivity! x

      Liked by 1 person

          1. Naturally! Sliema is awful. Valetta is enchanting but exhausting with all the streets up and down. I haven’t been anywhere else on the island. My grandfather was stationed there (Rifle Brigade) between the wars and won a polo match against Mountbatten and his men. I have the cup and intend on leaving it my very sporty younger niece!

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  6. I’ve been reading about the terrorist attack in which Metropolitan policeman Keith Palmer, age 48, was stabbed and killed by Khalid Masood in front of the House of Parliament. Not only do police officers have to face accidents, illnesses, and other common causes of death, they also have to face the dangers of their profession.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, David.
      At the funeral I mentioned, we were mourning a retired officer from that same group. It was the one where I used to work. Around thirty other officers at the funeral were also from the same department. They remarked how lucky they were to have taken the day off to attend. Hard to see anything positive in the senseless killing of PC Palmer, I agree. Save that he showed his bravery and disregard for his own safety, by tackling a determined terrorist. That is an honourable legacy to leave behind, though of no comfort to his family today.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Good positive stuff Pete!
    I finished the ceiling in the kitchen today, seven months after I started! I planted over 150 raspberry plants earlier this week, before the weather started to warm up too much and I chopped my goal of 10 cubic meters of firewood. All positive here, in fact I better write a post soon to remind myself when something goes wrong šŸ™‚

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