Blogging stuff: Religion

Along with the other trends in following I mentioned recently, I feel that I have to mention something else that is beginning to reappear at a rather alarming rate. I have noticed that some followers and commenters lately have been of the ‘Bible-bashing’ variety.

Personally, I do not think that blogging is the place to expound your religious ideas, or attempt to convert those who do not share them. I don’t mean those general bloggers who also mention going to church, attending Easter services, or enjoying a family christening. You know the sort I mean.

Their blogs are full of fire and brimstone, thanking the Lord for everything that happened, including that morning’s sunrise. They often blame natural disasters and terrorist incidents on God’s displeasure, and warn that only bad things will happen unless we all start to believe in the same things as them. These blogs are often disguised. They have innocuous names that do not mention religion, or gods. Click on the blog to leave a ‘thank you’ for following, and you will see that it is comprised almost entirely of fiery scripture quotes, and entreaties for you to do things like ‘follow the right path.’

They mean the same path as them, of course.

I have no issues with religious people. Many find real comfort from their religion, and it helps them lead a happier life. Some take inspiration from religion to do good things, and others are peaceful and contemplative because of their beliefs. I would not use this blog to attack them, and I certainly would not use it to try to stop them believing in their gods. On the other hand, as an atheist I do not appreciate being lectured to about something I have no interest in.

I know, I don’t have to read them. And I don’t. But I do not like the way that they ‘sneak in’ by commenting on posts, and by having blog names that disguise their true purpose. So, at the risk of upsetting some genuine people, and perhaps losing many potential new ‘followers’, I have this to say to them.

1) If you are a fundamentalist religious person, please ignore my blog.
2) Do not like or comment on my posts as a way of getting me to look at your own blog.
3) Please do not follow my blog in the hope of being followed back. It will never happen.
4) Use a title for your blog that gives you away for what you are, instead of concealing the fact.
5) Enjoy your religion. Say your prayers and thanks. Go to your meetings, or whatever it is you do.

Believe in what you want to believe, and live a long and happy life. But just leave the rest of us alone to follow a different path. The one we have chosen.

61 thoughts on “Blogging stuff: Religion

  1. You have an interesting worldview but even that I agree about those blogs you are mentioning, I find the written above really offensive. It is a judgement and not just a point of view which can affect people. I hope this comment will not lead to an argument because I am simply saying what I am thinking. Nothing else. There are such topics that are sensitive and the key is to talk generally without expressing personal feelings and have a balance between the positive part and the negative one. Here, I, personally, do not find anything positive and it is upsetting me. However, I agree with some of the thesis because it is hard to say they are not true.
    Be safe and I am looking forward the next post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I won’t generate an argument with you, Valentina. This is not that kind of blog. Your comment and opinion is most welcome, as it is reasonable, and well-argued from your viewpoint, and you are entitled to your opinion of course. I am sorry that you find my blog post offensive, but that is your right to do so. I thought that I was actually very fair, and not offensive at all, but that’s only my opinion.
      I am tired of people using the blogs to preach their extreme religious beliefs at me. As they continue do this, I reserve my right to counter their actions with posts like this one.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. As I said, I agree with you completely. Most of the religious people judge in an unacceptable way and actually, this judgement is against any beliefs itself.

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  2. Another amen here. I remember a work colleague of mine, very religious (always Christian, although I met her when she was a Baptist and if I’m not wrong she’s now Church of England) who came with me to Barcelona. She wanted to visit a church in Tibidabo and we went. We took the lift (it has a Christ image on top and you can go and have a fabulous view of Barcelona as it’s up a hill) and a catholic priest came in with us. He overheard us talking in English and had to ask my friend about her religion (he spoke perfect English) and yes, he had a go. My friend was ecstatic by it. I think it was the high point of her visit (no, she really enjoyed the visit, but that was a bit different). She told me the people at her church would love to hear about it, as the Roman Catholics now had a reputation of not doing much proselytising. I guess if you’re a priest it’s your job, and she was in his territory. He was very polite and evidently learned. Freedom of religion and of non-religion… Perhaps award and religion free blog?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That church in Tibidabo is impressive indeed, and the views are spectacular. I have photos stuck on my old laptop, and I intend to recover them this year. Glad to hear that you agree evangelical religion has no place in blogging.


  3. A good post Pete

    I am also an atheist. I am happy that people find comfort in their beliefs, but I do not share them.
    I don’t engage with blogs that try to convert me or beret me for not being a believer. I don’t try to ‘unconvert’ them, I think they should forward me the same respect.
    As soon as I see any posts that I am uncomfortable with, I stop following. If they persist in making unwelcome comments on my blog, I block them. I do this with any posts or blogs that make me uncomfortable, not just religious ones.

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  4. Nice post, Pete. We are traditional in my family. To my mind this means that we attend Church on high days and holidays and participate in preparations for Christmas and Easter by making traditional foods. My husband and I are both people who subscribe to a lot of charitable events both through religious organisations and other outreach programmes. I also don’t like fanatics in any shape or form.

    Liked by 1 person

          1. They are driven because they believe sincerely that their salvation depends entirely on their close adherence to the commandments of their belief system. It is not likely they will lighten up on their efforts to convert you but you do have the option of unhooking from having to read their stuff.

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  5. I’ve sprinkled my blog (not so much recently) with photos that are ascribed a religious meaning due to having authored “Pope on the Dole.” But, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, the photos, like the book itself, are generally satiric in nature. Might I suggest that people who subscribe to “fire and brimstone” seek out a blog on vulcanology and attempt to persuade the scientific community there that Hell has sprung a leak.

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  6. Oh, lordy, Pete. Now we are going to get another wave of blog immigrants over here for religious freedom.
    If someone declares a blog jihad on you, Pete, let me know. We got guns. (pump-click)

    Liked by 2 people

  7. A very good point you make there Pete. I’m all for everyone having their religious views, that’s their belief and they are entitled to it. I just don’t like when some people try and force that belief on me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, V. I am hoping to put off more time-wasters, but also making a valid point about personal choices. Before you know it, people will be sending me photos of their bum too… 🙂
      Cheers, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I couldn’t agree more Pete, well said. I have a had a few new followers of this type in the last week, so it could well be some organised religious push.
    By the way I heard on 6 music yesterday that Jamiroquai will be releasing a new album soon, so maybe it will be an influx his followers signing up soon!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Happy to hear it is not just me, Eddy. I was starting to look for a star above the house!
      I expect the new Jamiroquai album will answer my question, and the visits to that post will no longer be necessary. (Hope not, 40+ this week already…)
      Cheers mate, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks, Kim. When I started, some of my original followers were religious zealots of some kind. Then they went quiet. The recent comeback seems to perhaps be organised in some way, or it might just me being paranoid!
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. They are not attacking me, Felicity. On the contrary, they are probably hoping to recruit me! I never discuss religion here, so this recent ‘trend’ is more like evangelism. I just mentioned that I would not ‘attack’ them by writing something like this on their own blogs. They are very subtle, using random comments and likes to tempt bloggers into looking at their own sites. When I started blogging in 2012, this used to happen a lot, then it stopped. I suspect that world events have inspired a fresh campaign.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  9. I believe in being passionate about something you believe in, but there is a line to be drawn before you become obsessive or fanatical. There are too many that can’t seem to stop at that line. They do more negative witnessing, than winning over converts when they are so pushy. I enjoyed your opinion Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

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