Advertising Your Blog

Many of you will know of my association with the magazine Longshot Island. I have been happy to have stories and articles published there, both online, and in print. Daniel is now looking to expand the reach of the magazine, with features on Art and Photography, perhaps even cartoons. He is also offering something that most of us may not have considered, the ability to advertise our blogs, for a very reasonable fee. This is part of something he sent me, and it makes sense.

“If you’re an author, you know the importance of keeping up a blog. But how do people find your blog? There’s a growing trend of bloggers paying for ads to attract visitors. If you’ve got Google ads on your site, you make money with every page impression. So why not attract more people?”

Many of my blogging friends are published authors, and aspiring writers. But all have to depend on promoting their work via other blogs, email newsletters, Twitter, or Facebook. Few of us would think about paying for a classified ad to promote our blog, and thereby draw attention to their work or projects. But why not? Mainly because we think it is expensive, I suspect. But with ads starting at just $2, Longshot Island provides an outlet, for less than the price of a cup of coffee. Here’s an example. (Click on this, for a clearer image)

If you like the sound of this, the full rates are listed here.
Longshot rates

Don’t forget that Daniel and his team are always happy to receive submissions for consideration. They may be published online, in print, or both. Even if they are unsuitable, you can be sure that you will receive positive feedback, and only constructive criticism. Why not send something? Here’s a direct link.

Have a think about taking out an advertisement. It is not expensive, so you have little to lose, and potentially lots more to gain.

24 thoughts on “Advertising Your Blog

  1. Hmmm…Food for thought. On a totally unrelated subject, didn’t you write a post some time ago about seeing a bra left in a tree? Well, I just read an article in the Sunday papers about a woman who’d lost her Jack Russell. After days of searching someone advised her to put her bra in a tree to leave her scent for the dog to find. The dog was finally found, although it remained unclear whether the bra was any use. But it made me laugh, because I remembered your post, If it was yours, and wondered if it was the same bra. And yes, it was in Norfolk!

    Liked by 1 person

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