A bigger cake

Remember the line in the film ‘Jaws’?
They see the size of the shark, and Roy Scheider says “We’re gonna need a bigger boat!”

It is my birthday today, and if I was having a cake (which I’m not) it would have to be a bigger one. It would need to accommodate 66 candles this time, and might well set off the smoke alarm once lit.

Last year, I celebrated by taking a trip to the Suffolk coast, on a bright and breezy sunny day. I was wearing shorts, and feeling that summer was just around the corner. But we have had rain overnight, and the sun is currently unable to break through the dark clouds threatening overhead. So a trip to the seaside might be called off, I suspect.

Nonetheless, it has started well enough. I have received ten cards already, and gifts of a new PC monitor, red wine, and some of my favourite caramel nougat. The postman might bring more cards later this afternoon, and this evening we are going out for a birthday meal. I have chosen The Chequers, in a village called Thompson. They specialise in British food, and I am looking forward to ordering a traditional steak and kidney pudding. It is a 17th century inn, with a thatched roof, and a tiny bar.

So, even if we don’t get out anywhere because of the weather, I have that to look forward to.
If it is anyone else’s birthday today, and you are reading this, then I wish you Happy Birthday, from a fellow Piscean.

76 thoughts on “A bigger cake

  1. Happy Birthday, Pete:
    It has been a week of celebrations: π-Day on Wednesday, the Ides of March on Thursday, Pete’s Birthday today, and St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow. Let the good times roll.
    Warmest regards, Theo

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I remembered it was your birthday Pete for I had marked it in my calendar once, so I logged in to wish you a very Happy Birthday. The inn looks delightful and I hope it’ll be a great meal in addition. In the revised words of Casablanca ” round up the usual suspects and have a wonderful ocassion “. Much love and birthday wishes your way from an Aries.

    Sincerely Sonea x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We didn’t bother with a seaside trip toady. Grey and cold here, and Julie has the flu into the bargain. Never mind, we are still going out later. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  3. Happy birthday Pete. I think 66 is a beautifully balanced number. You are lucky to receive so many cards, I think I probably get three these days! And texts! Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope your steak and kidney pie is excellent 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Ian. I was only remembering the other day how many of us at North Ken were born under Pisces. Considering I don’t follow astrology, it sticks in my mind.
      Best wishes, Pete.


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