Joy, and Sadness

Violet Rose. 6lbs 1oz.

It has been a good few years since we had a new baby in my maternal family. I was delighted to go and visit the latest arrival, Violet, last weekend. She was delivered by C-section, and I am pleased to report that Mum and baby are both doing really well.

The added joy of seeing the new baby was that she is named after my mother, Violet, and also my grandmother, Rose. As I have never had children, it made me feel very happy to know that my own mother’s name will live on in this new addition to our family, and I know that my Mum would have been touched beyond belief.

Then this morning, along came the sadness. Violet’s great-grandfather, and my last surviving uncle, passed away after a long illness, at the age of 87. He never got a chance to see Violet before he died, but at least he heard about her being born, and had seen a photo.

R.I.P. Ivan Cowburn.

The circle of life continues.

89 thoughts on “Joy, and Sadness

  1. I’m so sorry for your loss. Life feels much more precious when we lose someone, or when another is born. I hope that you can get through your difficult time. Reminds me of a scripture that provides hope.

    Revelation 21:4 says, “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.” ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great post 🙂 As others have implied on this post, this year for you brought joy within your family (the birth of a child) and sadness (the death of a relative). Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well his name was always a talking point. During the Cold War, that Russian name was never going to be popular, so he went by his middle name of Benjamin, which the family shortened in the way Londoners always do. First he was Benjy, then that became Benj. That was used for so long, a lot of the family never knew his name was really Ivan. 🙂
      He was an electrician, and spent much of his life in London’s theatreland, working on changing the outdated electrics of many famous theatres. Back then, theatres contained huge amounts of asbestos, as fire retardant. Before they could work on the wiring, they had to strip out all the crumbling asbestos coverings from the old stuff.
      That gave him asbestosis, which he was unaware of at the start. But it eventually killed him, over sixty years later.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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  3. A very lovely name Pete, the two go so well together and what a wonderful way to remember the women in your family. I am sure Violet Rose will grow up learning a lot about them both, hopefully with some tales from you – time to write a memoir maybe? Sorry to hear about your uncle, often the way life and death go in partnership, and yet another funeral for you to attend. That suit is getting far too many airings. I’m up in Shropshire now and helping with the somewhat stressful process that my OH is going through. Doesn’t matter how old you are, losing a parent is hard.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s so true. It doesn’t matter how old they are, or how much you are expecting it, the reality is rarely what you expect.
      I think there is enough of the family remaining to tell the stories to little Violet, including her own mother. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh Pete, this is certainly joy and sadness. How wonderful that this baby is named for your mother and grandmother. And of course death is always difficult. As you said, the circle of life. Best to you, Pete.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. My mother now has five great grandchildren, but my father did not live to see any. However great grandson number three has his middle name after him. My mother, my daughter and myself share the same middle name. It’s good to have family name links, especially for women who mostly lose their family surname!

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    1. Thanks, Mary. Because Violet is so old-fashioned, we doubted anyone would ever get that name again. But Violet’s young mum was close to my mother, so wanted to call her that as soon as she got the gender from the scan. It made me cry.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sorry to hear about your Uncle, but happy to see the beautiful Violet making her first appearance on the blog, hopefully there’ll be some more, she is a sweety and congrats on not having a Winston Churchill lookalike!

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  7. A gorgeous baby with a beautiful name. Violet Rose. Stunning. She has been added to the circle strengthening the link that was weakened by your uncle’s passing.
    It is hard to loose those touchstones of family. I know all too well. I’m sorry.

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  8. Wow Pete, I’m so sorry for your loss. Life can sometimes be incredibly strange, to bring joy on one end, and bring sadness on the other.
    I do want to congratulate you as well on the birth of Violet, and am glad to hear that she is and her mother are doing well.
    Please take care Pete, I’m very sorry.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Benj has been in my thoughts all day long. The thought of all the amazing stories he had being lost is so sad. He lit up a room with that devilishly naughty twinkle he forever seemed to have in his eyes. The laughing at his own stories as he relived them telling us was a treat to behold. I know it’s an old saying but never has a truer word been spoke when you can honestly say “they don’t make them like that anymore”. RIP Benji x

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