Other Blogs: Part Two

This continues my recommendation of other blogs that I follow. If any of them sound like something you would enjoy, then please follow a link and read a couple of posts. I know that some of you will already be followers, so this is mainly intended for my most recent followers and readers.

For some insight into world-wide politics from an American perspective. An intelligent and well-balanced look at many hot topics, from a retired educator in Mississippi.
Chuq, at Lobotero.com

Travels around some of the most scenic parts of America, as well as the Pacific North West on her doorstep. Lovingly documented and photographed by cat-lover Susanne.

A Greek perspective on Europe; Art, History, Sculpture, Watercolour paintings, and photos to make you wish you were on holiday. Marina’s blog is always diverse, and fascinating too.

Someone who doesn’t mind roughing it, on her world-wide travels with ‘Poor John’. Great photos from Peggy, and always something unusual too.
Where to next?

Another view of America and Canada from a committed lady with Native American Heritage. Art, Folklore, Racism, Injustice, and much, much more.
Lara Trace Hentz.

Trailer Park life in the raw, from retired police officer Ron. Always hilarious, often downright worrying. The world of the ‘good old boys’.
Ron’s Country Musings.

A nice mix of six for you to explore. More to come soon!

43 thoughts on “Other Blogs: Part Two

    1. I’m sure Peggy will enjoy having a fictional namesake, David. She has a good sense of humour. (And although she is married to an Australian and lives in that country, she is originally from the USA)
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Once again I’ve visited your friends. I’ve been avoiding politics (of which we know Lobotero can not avoid his avid complaints about everything,), but you have been providing a wide variety of websites, so thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, GP. I included chuq, as I want to give a real mix of themes and topics. Many thanks for checking them out. I thought you might enjoy Ron’s tales of trailer park life in America. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. It’;s a well-researched article, chuq. However, I don’t think leaving the EU was ever about resisting globalisation. That will remain, as it has been with us for too long already. For many of us who voted Leave, it was about inequality, and restrictive EU laws.
          As for Marxists, there are not many of those left in Europe these days. 🙂
          Best wishes, Pete.

          Liked by 2 people

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