Ambulance stories (3)

Another from the 2012 archives. A sad story about a lovely lady, and a very unpleasant job.


Betty’s toes

When you work in a particular area for some time, you soon get used to the ‘regulars’. These are patients with chronic illness or disease, drug users, alcoholics, asthmatics, diabetics, and housebound people requiring different kinds of help and assistance. Betty was in this category. She was in her 70’s, and she had Diabetes, as well as circulation problems and arterial disease,  caused by decades of heavy smoking. She may have been a widower, or divorced, as she lived alone, in a small terraced house, not too far from our base.

It was common to receive calls to attend her address, either emergency calls made by Betty, or as an arranged admission by her G.P. She was a cheery character, and seemed to manage well, despite constant pain in her legs and feet. When this got too bad, or life got on top of her, she would either…

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21 thoughts on “Ambulance stories (3)

  1. Great post, but a sad one at the same time. I can’t imagine the pain somebody goes through after getting their arm/arms or leg/legs (in this case, it was the latter) amputated. Anyway, keep up the great work as always 🙂

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    1. We didn’t really have any time to think about things, Edith. It was so busy, that once we had dropped Betty off, we immediately got another job to go to. It was just ‘the way it was’.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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