35 thoughts on “North America compared to Europe: Population

  1. I wish we could share links here but there is a post on a website called far and wide that includes 45 amazing world maps and it is fascinating. Everything from alcohol consumption per country to most popular last name by European country.

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  2. Hi Pete, my husband loves maps!! 😉
    I know when Fraggy and Phil came to visit us , they were very surprized at the lot sizes of even where our home is , and not know the distance thought they could visit us (in NY ) and still go to California , in no time. It must b so nice for you guys to hop from country to country, the only hoping we do us to Canada:) 2 1/2 hours away .

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks, Kathy. It takes quite a while to get anywhere from Norfolk, as it is so far east, with poor transport links, and a hopeless airport. But when I lived in London, I could be in Paris by train in 2 hours and fifteen minutes. Bruges by train in 3 hours 20 minutes, and so on. Flying from London is less exciting, as the main airport is a mission to get to, in west London.
      But all of it is so much easier than for you in America, and I am aware of the distances in the US. New York to SF is further than England to New York,
      (I have never been to America, but have been to almost everywhere on this map, except Scandinavia.)
      Best wishes, Pete.

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        1. I have been fortunate to travel to many places, Kathy. Various parts of Africa, a lot of the Soviet Union, China, Singapore, North Africa, and so on…I haven’t been abroad since 2011, and have never been to India, or North/South America. But I am happy enough. 🙂

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    1. It is based on the population of those countries, Darlene, not Geographical size. In area, Canada is much bigger than America, but has a significantly smaller population. I hope that makes it clearer.
      Best wishes, Pete.

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