The Longest Day

Today is midsummer’s day, in this part of the world. The sun will not set until 9:30 this evening, giving today its title of the longest day.

From tomorrow, the sun will begin to set earlier, as the countdown to autumn begins.

But it has stopped raining, finally. Even a supposedly dry day yesterday saw some light showers here, and that made it a full three weeks with rain every day. However, the sun is shining this morning, and the forecast is good.
At least for a few days.

Ollie will enjoy a much longer walk, and I will cherish a dry day to walk him in. If they got the forecast right, I might even be able to tackle some jobs in the neglected garden tomorrow, and will be hoping that the last remaining water from the small flood in the shed dries out.

Weather can affect our mood, so they say. I know it certainly affects mine.

Happy midsummer’s day, everyone! 🙂

49 thoughts on “The Longest Day

  1. Yes, our mood can definitely be swayed by the weather. Mine certainly is. Enjoy the day and the long hours of sun. Take photos like I did, and give Ollie a treat for me. Best to you, Pete.

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  2. One of my best memories was watching an outdoor performance by a river of “Midsummer’s Night Dream”. Amazingly enough, I never caught on that the English name for the solstice was midsummer. Goes to show I can still learn new things.

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  3. If you get down on hands and knees in your garden, cup your ears, and listen intently, you may hear the beetles singing:

    “Here comes the sun
    Here comes the sun, and I say
    It’s all right
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
    Sun, sun, sun, here it comes…”

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  4. Happy day to you, Pete. Out here it usually rains from mid September until early June, then nothing. So we relish any rain in summer. Lately thing are different, as in most places. Less rain in winter. We are 7 inches below normal rainfall levels. Result is more fire and smoke in summer. Having lived in the Pacific Northwest for 30 years I a used to walking in the rain for pleasure. Sunshine is great but here is also beauty in the darkness. Out here they call rain Oregon sunshine. Happy summer. 🙂

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  5. The summer solstice happens every year between June 20 and June 22 when the sun reaches its highest elevation in the Northern Hemisphere, making it the longest day of the year with a stretch of sunlight that lasts for 17 hours. And that is today.

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  6. Ollie will be smiling…..I have cut my day activities down these days….yesterday was 105 with the humidity….and it will only get worse….enjoy the good weather my friend….chuq

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