Thinking Aloud On a Sunday


Given that I have just finished a ten-part fiction serial, and have started to reblog some older stories, it was not unexpected for me to wake up thinking about Fiction this morning. Specifically, my own fiction on this blog.

Including my many long-running serials, I have posted over 330 fiction pieces here. What started as an experiment with a three-part crime drama became something I enjoyed a great deal. I have explored many genres, including some science fiction, dark crime, and nostalgia. I even tried my hand at some modern romance.

I got stuck in a style, but I am more than happy to be in that situation. I like ‘cliffhanger’ endings to serial episodes, and enjoy adding a twist to any story, where possible.

I even tried to write a story for children, but couldn’t seem to find my ‘inner child’ that time.

With so many new followers since 2016, I have recently resolved to reblog many of my earlier short stories. I am intrigued to see what the new readers might think of them, and would appreciate all the feedback, whether positive, or negative.

My fictional inspirations tend to come in fits and starts, with long absences in between. However, I think I will write more fiction during the second half of 2019, and explore some ideas that I had previously abandoned.

Thanks as always to everyone who reads them, and to those who critique, comment, and discuss. It is all very welcome.

40 thoughts on “Thinking Aloud On a Sunday

  1. You have made good choices, Pete. Reblogging gives your readers a chance to know you better, and your stories are very good. Love the cliffhanger endings and twists! My best to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Jennie. I always try for those cliffhangers when writing serials. It reminds me of the old film serials, with the leading lady tied to the tracks, and a train approaching. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. The forecast is warm and sunny, at least until Saturday.
          Have a great trip to my former home, Cindy. 🙂
          (Just don’t mention ‘Brexit’!)
          Best wishes, Pete. x


  2. Glad to read that your are going to be writing more fiction, Pete. One of the things you do especially well as a writer is keep us all engaged with your cliffhangers

    Liked by 1 person

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