Thinking Aloud On a Sunday

Sadness, and Stories.

I woke up feeling a bit sad today.
Nothing specific, just thoughts about some things that make me sad.

Like lost friends that I can’t phone, or meet up with.
And things left unsaid with those now departed.
Or wishing I had made some better decisions in life a very long time ago.
Not to mention my frustration at my inability to get to grips with technology.

Stuff like that.

It obviously wasn’t too bad, because I soon shook that off thinking about ideas for more stories to go with the photos being sent to me.
By the way, if you have thought about sending me a photo to make a story from, there is no deadline. Please send me one, and I will do my best.
(Just a reminder, reduced size files, emailed to

One thing about having to make up stories from photos, it keeps your mind active. In my case, almost too active. I find myself considering stories in my head as I walk around with Ollie, trying to remember if I have posted one with a similar theme or idea before, and just forgotten it by now. But the photos are what they are, and often tell me their own story, which I just have to translate into something readable.

Photo-Prompts are very different to the complex discipline of a long fiction serial in many parts. They don’t require notes about time-lines, character’s names, or historical research. But the basic idea is the same. I think of the ending, come up with a suitable title, then work it all back from there to the first line of the story.

After more than six years of regularly posting fiction on this blog, I wonder when the day will come when my imagination fails me, and I run dry of ideas. But for now, as long as you keep reading them, and most of you enjoying them, I am inspired to continue.

63 thoughts on “Thinking Aloud On a Sunday

      1. I think you are right about both those things. This week I am trying to take a break from the news and see if it helps my demeanor any. Now I just have to get my husband to stop reading it to me when he gets home from work (he works in the news industry so it’s an occupational hazard.)

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I feel the same way from time to time. I try not to dwell on what I cannot fix or change. You’re on a roll, Pete. A good, long roll. I enjoy reading what you write, including your new photo prompt stories. Like you, I wish my memory bank was a little stronger. 🙂 Best to you, Pete.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s been a great day for me. First the weather: sunny skies, 65°F/18°C, a very light breeze. Add to that a 2-hour hike up a scenic canyon (520 ft./159 m. elevation rise), and back along the canyon’s rim. And finally, the many crinoid fossils; the chollas, yuccas, and barrel cactus; and a sweeping view of the Wilson Cliffs and Calico Hills. It doesn’t get much better than this!

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  3. Waking up is the hardest time for me as I am stuck with the realization I can’t talk to my sister today.
    We spoke almost every day.

    Hope you continue on with your writing for a long time as I am so enjoying it.
    I love these stories you are doing now from the photos being sent to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We all get melancholy from time to time. I tend to miss my family a lot, even though I love my life in Spain. I am loving your stories from the photo prompts. Such a great variety. Would you like another photo from me?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It doesn’t look like your imagination is going to dry up any time soon, Pete, and all your stories – especially the ones from the photo prompts you’ve been doing recently – are very different from each other. Glad the melancholy lifted. I’m in a state of fear today. A gallery owner is doing an exhibition on words and poets and I have to have my photo taken this afternoon and tomorrow I go to the dentist to see if she can sort my tooth.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I don’t think your imagination is drying up anytime soon, Pete! Sounds like you have a nice meal coming, I’ve cooked a rich beef in beer casserole, and a friend and I are drinking a good Chateauneuf with it shortly!

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  7. Some days like you I wake up feeling a little sad for no apparent reason. Lately I’ve been thinking about my parents a lot and how much I miss them.
    Like you, I like telling stories from photoprompts, and also the Sunday and Monday Wordles. My ideas might not be entirely original, but I tell it my own way.
    It’s going to be good day today………… I’m cooking curry and our neighbour is joining us.

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  8. I regret too. I think probably we all do. I get very sad at times too. But I know what you mean about thinking about story lines as you are walking about! I do the same! Sometimes I can’t sleep for writing stories in my head 😀
    Please keep writing your stories Pete. Imlivevthem

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  9. I think we all regret some decisions we made when we were young – I know I do, and the older we get the more we ruminate on what might have been. I think it was the Dalai Lama who said to always live in the present. It makes a lot of sense, I think.

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