My Top Ten Posts

For the last few years, there has been little change in the most-read posts on this blog.

No matter how much fiction I write, or how much I love to post about films and cinema, none of that gets close.

As Julie is watching ‘Dancing On Ice’, and I would sooner sit out in the rain than watch that, I just checked my stats again.

Here are those top posts, with number ten first.

10) My Blog: Privacy And Cookies Notice. It has had 677 views.
This was published on the 31st of May, 2018.
It was a very short post, complaining about issues with WordPress, and the notice in question.

09) Beetley Village. It has had 840 views.
It was published on the 16th of August, 2012.
This is a detailed post about what you might expect to see if you ever visit Beetley.

08) Birds Don’t Like Cornflakes. It has had 857 views.
This was published on the 31st of August, 2013.
It was about feeding birds in the garden, and how they had refused to eat the cornflakes I had scattered on the lawn.

07) Ollie: A dog’s like and dislikes. It has had 864 views.
This was published on the 12th of September, 2016.
It was about things that my dog likes, and other things he doesn’t.
It is the only post featuring Ollie in this top ten.

06) Beachlands: Pevensey Bay. It has had 924 views.
This was published on the 24th of March, 2016.
It is a photo post, featuring photos of Modernist and Art Deco bungalows on a 1930s housing estate in Sussex.

05) The driest county in England. It has had 1,623 views.
This was published on the 29th of August, 2012.
It is about how I was told that Norfolk was the driest county in this country, and it hadn’t stopped raining since I moved here.

04) Dereham: A Norfolk Town. It has had 1,820 views.
This was published on the 17th of April, 2014.
It is about the nearest town to Beetley, the market town of Dereham.

03) Whatever happened to? : Jimmy Somerville. It has had 2,071 views.
This was published on the 10th of August, 2016.
It is about the singer and front man of Bronski Beat, and The Communards.
It features pop video clips, and asks why we never hear of him now.

02) About. It has had 2,925 views.
This was published in 2012, and is regularly updated.
It is about me and my life, and features a photo of me with Ollie.
The popularity of this post shows the importance of having a good ‘About’ page.

The number one post will come as no surprise to regular followers.
It has been at number one since shortly after publication, and is read at least once every day.

……Drum Roll……

01) Whatever Happened to?: Jamiroquai. It has had 4,298 views.
This was published on the 4th of September, 2016.
Since then, it has been the subject of many more posts remarking on its popularity.
It is about the British Acid-Jazz band of that name, and asks why they had disappeared.
It features pop video clips, and discusses why they dropped out of the music scene.
After I published this, they released a new album in 2017. It wasn’t very good.

So, there you have it. Do you know what your own top posts are? If you fancy it, why not do do something similar?
Then link it to this post, and we can all find out what are readers out there are enjoying the most.

64 thoughts on “My Top Ten Posts

  1. I also knew number one had to be Jamiroquai, but I’m surprised there aren’t more posts about Ollie. As I moved from one blog to another, I’m not sure I’d get a very full picture, and my blog has become mostly a review blog now, but always interesting to see. Well done, Pete!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the instructions on how to find this info, Pete. Six of my top ten posts are about gardening or plants. Number 3 is my About page, which surprised me. Number 4 is a post I wrote about the rather strange book called S. (that’s it, just “S.”, although it’s also known as The Ship of Theseus) by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst. Number 10 is the page about my 4-novel Herbert West Series, and Number 5 (The Mad Scientist — Villain or Hero?) features drawings by an artist and animator featuring Herbert West in his original form as conceived by the writer H.P. Lovecraft.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you were able to find that info, Audrey. Other bloggers had no luck with my instructions.
      I’m not surprised that gardening ranks highly with your top posts. It is a hugely popular subject in the blogging world. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I guess this means I’m going to have to dive into the annals of Beetley Pete since I’ve only been with you close to a year. It must be fun for you to look back. I wonder (I’m asking a serious question) if you remember every post that you’ve ever written after all this time? I look back at old photos when I was a young man and sometimes think, “I don’t even remember being there.” (And I wasn’t drinking)😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If I think about it, I remember some posts in most categories. My favourite fiction posts, the photos I liked best, and songs too. Also films, and some nostalgia pieces. I mainly remember the Ambulance Stories of course, because I was there when they happened for real.
      But out of more than 3,000 posts, I would be lucky to name something like 400.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I think some of this comes from being related to Google searches about music artists, and Norfolk as a place to live. The comments and likes on all these posts bear no relation to the amount of views, GP. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I expected Jamiroquai to come first! That’s a lot of views! My #1 post has 2,137 views and my #10 only 436 so your blog is much more popular. I guess a lot depends on how the search engine works with keywords.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, John. The posts about Beetley and Dereham are often read from a main Google search. Many people who read them have emailed with questions, even though they never followed or left comments on my blog.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I was going to ask you the same question as Sarada so thanks for the answer. I’ll have a look. Any time I’ve tried to look at stats I can only find the the current week. I’m surprised Ollie didn’t feature more often in your top ten.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. On your Admin page, there are bar graphs under ‘Stats’.
      Under those is a box ‘View All’.
      Click that to bring up the next menu, ‘Stats and Insights’
      Below the bar graphs on the left is ‘Posts and Pages’.
      Click ‘View All’ at the bottom of that box.
      Then choose ‘All Time’ from the next menu. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I am using the ‘old editor’ still. That might be why. Shame I don’t live closer, or I would pop over and try it for you. I am also doing this on a PC. Not sure if it works the same way on a mobile device.


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