My Last Year Of Hedge Clipping

Front of bungalow from across the road

In the photo above, (click to see full size) you can clearly see the larger and smaller beech hedges that are in front of our house. They are taller than they look in this photo, which was taken after they had just been trimmed, in late 2013. From street level, they reach to about eight feet in height, and are considerably higher than that when fully grown before they need cutting. On the plus, side, this height is reduced when cutting the back, as the ground level in the front garden is some twelve inches higher.

I bought some very good clippers when I moved here, as I also had to tackle the huge rows of leylandii hedges at the back. Compared to those, the beech hedges at the front were a breeze, easily finished off in a morning or afternoon. But then I got vertigo a couple of years back. And then I got older of course. I could no longer cope with the ten-feet high leylandii, and had to pay someone to cut them earlier this year. But I was sure I could still deal with the beech hedges.

After deciding that they were unacceptably shabby, I made up my mnd to cut them this morning. It is a hot day, 27 C, so I took Ollie out early, just after nine. On our return, I got straight on with the beech hedges, sweeping up the mess as I went. After managing just one quarter, the first battery gave up. I put it on charge, and went on with the second battery. I was very hot, and finding it difficult to stay steady on top of the step ladder as I tried to get the straggly stems in the middle. After two hours, I swept up, and had a lunch break.

When I went back out, I decided to use a proper ladder to reach the top, and jammed it as hard as I could against the hedge. But is was very wobbly once I got up there, and I was having real difficulty keeping my balance and cutting at the same time. When the second battery went flat, I had at least finished the biggest hedge, and can do the small one easily tomorrow. Sweeping up and tidying the things away, it dawned on me that will be the last time I can safely cut these hedges.

As of next year, I am going to have to pay someone to do it.

63 thoughts on “My Last Year Of Hedge Clipping

  1. We gave ours up a few years ago for all the same reasons, then the cost to have it done became prohibitive. Black and Decker to the rescue! We found a long handled hedge trimmer that can handle 10 feet. It’s lightweight, and the 20V battery pack is interchangeable with our other tools, so we never have a dead battery. The cost for the tool was less than the cost for having it done by someone else. Just some food for thought.

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  2. I think we’ve talked about this before. When I was younger, I tried to do everything. Many times I accomplished the task, even if it took twice as long as it should have. Then there was the aggravation. At some point, I realized that I don’t mind paying people to do jobs that I find frustrating. Cross another one off the list, Pete.

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  3. Beech hedges are so lovely, especially so in the winter months, but I quite agree that maintaining things in the garden get harder with age. I need to do a lot of cutting back, but surfaces in this garden are not even so I’m a little nervous on a ladder. I’m thinking it may be time for me to get in a garden company to help with some of the more difficult jobs.

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    1. I approached a man I saw cutting other hedges across the road. Just him and his van and tools, very approachable, and reasonable prices. He only does grass-cutting and hedge-cutting, no landscaping. I avoided using a local company wth nice sign-painted vans and logo polo shirts, as I was sure they would charge too much.
      But like me, I don’t think you should be up a ladder cutting foliage any longer.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  4. You have a really wonderful property, Pete! But with some many hedge indeed a lot of regularely work. A good choice giving the work away. Here in our small garden we now let the wilderness be itself. Lol I only twice every summer mowing the grass. With an old big skyte, i got from my grandfather.Believe me every time i can see the fear in the eyes of our neighbout. Lol MIchael

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    1. I came off a ladder cutting the bigger hedges at the back. Fortunately, I fell onto a deep pile of clippings. That was when I decided to pay someone to cut them. 🙂
      Thanks, Lauren.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Trimming low hedges in the chilly U.K. is a piece of cake compared to trimming 30-foot palm trees with an extendable pole saw from atop a versa ladder in the desert heat. I’ll eventually have to pay someone to do this job for me, but it’s expensive, so I’ll have to wait until after the house is paid off in January 2023.

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  6. It’s definitely time to stop climbing ladders to clip the hedges. Can’t believe the temperature you have down there. It’s barely 15 C here. I have on a big winter jumper, my sister put her heating on earlier and I think I’ll do the same here. ‘They’ say tomorrow will be nice – but only for one day. And no prospect of heading off anywhere for some sun 😦

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, it’s baking hot here today, and forecast to hit 31 C tomorrow. But then that’s it for a while. 19C Saturday and Sunday, with a ‘chance of rain’. More rain next week, with temps ranging from 16-20 C. I didn’t want to do hedge cutting in such hot weather, but I can’t cut wet hedges after rain, so had to just do it. Just ironed six shirts, and I’m completely worn out . 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Phil still is determined to do our leylandii and trim our trees, I keep telling him to get a man in! 😀 but he will hold out as long as possible. Well done for getting this far Pete, now time to rest up and let a professional at it!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. We have a huge serpentine hedge running the length of our front garden, with Leylandii trees behind. Sam keeps them all very neat, but we realise that in years to come he might not be able to do it. When he retires in 7 years’ time we’re out of here and in a low maintenance bungalow if we can find one.

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