September Thoughts

Two days into the official autumn season, and I am feeling rather autumnal in mood. It has been a very strange year for everyone, almost as if it didn’t exist, and were living in some kind of limbo between last Christmas and the start of 2021.

Now it seems that this new way of living will have to continue well into the new year, and will probably be the way we all have to live for the foreseeable future. Like it or not, life has changed for all of us, and will almost certainly never be the same again. And we have yet to face the inevitable economic backlash of the lost jobs, closed-down businesses, and repaying the astronomical government debts incurred.

Not wishing to sound too gloomy, I feel the worst is yet to come.

I haven’t been anywhere further than thirty miles away since the second week of March. Living in a small village like Beetley may have been instrumental in saving me from contracting the virus, but I have gone a little stir-crazy stuck in the village, with an occasional trip to the nearby town. A change of scene is required, and with that in mind, I will not be around next week.

Ollie goes to the groomer tomorrow. He will have his moulting fur dealt with, a nice bath, and his nails clipped. That should make him feel better after all he endured during the hot spell of weather.

The mornings are cold now, and I have put the duvet back on the bed to cope with chillier nights.

People are already talking about Christmas, and how different the usual celebrations will have to be.

I doubt there is anyone who will be sorry to say goodbye to 2020.

64 thoughts on “September Thoughts

  1. We’ve now gone 135 days without any measurable precipitation, and the long-range forecast looks dry, dry, dry. I think we’re going to break the 150-day record. So I’d like to get away to a place where it rains. Have any suggestions?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Enjoy your bit of R&R Pete, I hope you can cast covid from your mind for a little while. Mind you I have to agree with you, we have a lot worse to come, even with a vaccine in place the recovery will be slow. Lets just hope they can rebuild things better.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. It has been a totally crap year. My son arrived from Glasgow hours before they announced new lockdown measures there – no visiting other households. But it’s oOK to go to the pub. Threats to close schools – but still OK to go to the pub. To be fair they say from the track and trace it’s clear the new infection spike is from house parties and not the hospitality industry. Aberdeen’s spike, on the other hand was definitely from pubs. Those who break the rules are so incredibly selfish. David and his partner have had a maximum of 6 people (including themselves) in their flat from 3 households. In the flat above there was a party with almost 100 people crammed in.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I hear what you’re saying, Pete, but in a way, I’m not too upset, because we are well overdue for a radical change in the way society is run: I just hope that we can use ‘common sense’ to make these changes for the better. Cheers, Jon.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. It takes me back in time, Jude. I don’t expect anything from it, and I am always happy there. I wish we had moved there, as originally intended, but Julie couldn’t get a job transfer at the time.
      Best wishes, Pete. x


  5. Hi Pete, I was getting the feeling that the C-19 concerns were pretty much over in the UK. Kids back at school and everyone going to beaches and pubs. It is feeling that way here too. We also have only seen the tip of the economic catastrophe that is C-19.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. They might like to send that message, Robbie. But people are still being infected (1024 yesterday) and still dying. I am carrying on as if it can kill me at any time.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. Yes Pete, 2020 has been a “year to forget”, but it will take more time to get back to whatever “new normal” there is…wear a mask in public. Keep gatherings to a minimum…hope that science saves us with a vaccine that gives us hope that this virus can be tamed to some degree….hope you have a good time away!

    Liked by 3 people

  7. I know what you mean pete. I have with the exception of getting groceries at the supermarket every wednesday and friday, which is about 10 minutes with my bike from my home, not been out of my house since March. Stir crazy is definitely the best description indeed. I’m glad to hear you are going to have a change of scenery next week. I hope you will have a great time! And yes….this year needs to be over…and fast 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  8. I think we just need to take it a day at a time. No-one really knows what will happen. I got really stir crazy a few weeks back but then we managed a trip to our daughter’s about 80 miles away and that cheered us up.

    Liked by 2 people

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