Music, and Writing

I am one of those people that does not like distractions when I am writing. Other than Ollie snoring beside my desk, I like to write in silence.

However, many writers not only enjoy listening to music as they write, they draw inspiration from it for scenes in their books.

Here is an article that explains how one writer channels music to add creativity to her work.

57 thoughts on “Music, and Writing

  1. Thank you for sharing. I write best in the morning but that’s when my caregiver comes, a nice woman, but she expects me to engage her the entire time. I think she keeps her job even in retirement so that she can talk to us like friends. I tease her at times to relieve some tension, and sometimes I do the opposite.

    I was hallucinating one time and very into it mentally. I yelled at her when she asked me a question, not because I was angry, but because she distracted me, and it was a reflex. I learned that that day was the day her beloved husband died. So that always makes you feel good about yourself.

    I like to tease her about how she pays to work for me since her tax dollars go into my check.

    I can only listen to instrumentals when I’m reading. It used to help me sit down and read for a while. That’s passed now, and I no longer need it. It has to be quiet for me to write. The cats have learned to leave me alone for the most part. You probably know what cats are notorious for… I saw a meme with one duck taped to the wall as a joke.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You’re definitely right that everybody draws inspiration in different ways. I am one of those people who always listen to music when writing! It influences my writing a great deal, I’d say music is my biggest inspiration for everything I do. I do notice though that if I’m listening to a sad song my writing will show that. It can be a hinderance though when I’m not trying to write about melancholy things. I have to set the mood with the right songs or else I can get distracted or off track.
    Great post.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. As a composer working in theater, I have learned to write music to create moods, and have seen how the music effects both listeners and performers. Thank you for sharing a writer’s perspective.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’m more like you, Pete. When I’m reading or writing, I like to be in the quietest environment. I was always blown away by kids in my class who could read when five other noisy activities were going on in class. Somehow they could tune it all out.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks for sharing this interesting video, Pete. Klausbernd and I are both the same. When we write, we prefer to do so without any distractions at all, no music, no radio in the background.
    Hope you are both feeling a wee bit better today.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Aaah. I dread getting the flu or a cold at this time. The sun is fighting hard to come through so we’ll grab the opportunity to walk to the reserve without getting wet and see the new photographic exhibition. This is one of the very few exhibitions where you can spontaneously enter without pre-booking a time slot.
        Give Ollie a big pat from me. x

        Liked by 2 people

  6. I’m the same as you Pete, when I read or write, I like it quiet😀 I can’t concentrate otherwise, so I’m with you😀 That said, I can also understand how it works for other people as inspriring😀

    Liked by 3 people

  7. ALWAYS music is on when I write. That article summed up how I am with writing and also reading novels. The short stories on my blog are inspired by song lyrics, so music is THE main inspiration.

    Liked by 3 people

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